Legal Collection
Preferred Labels
Alternative Labels
- Bundesrat beschließt Gesetz über die Prävention und das Management invasiver gebietsfremder Arten
- Bundesrat nimmt den Gesetzentwurf zur Fortentwicklung des Standortauswahlgesetzes an
- "Chemikalien-Ozonschichtverordnung" came into force on December 1st 2006
- "Forest ban"
- 13. Ordinance Implementing the Federal Immissions control Act
- 13. Ordinance Implementing the Federal Immissions control Act
- 21. BImSchV Ordinance Limitation of Emissions of Hydrocarbons During Fueling of Vehicles
- 21. BImSchV Ordinance Limitation of Emissions of Hydrocarbons During Fueling of Vehicles
- 4th Amendment to the Genetic Engineering Act
- European Commission welcomes the 7th Environment Action Programme becoming law
- A new regulation to restrict the phosphates in detergents by the Council
- Aarhus Convention signed
- Waste Framework Directive
- Waste Shipment Act
- Agreement on protecting the Antarctic
- Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats, EUROBATS
- Deposit of Untreated Waste Terminated
- Waste Water Ordinance
- Act amending the German constitution
- Act Concerning Supplemental Provisions on Appeals in Environmental Matters Pursuant to EC Directive 2003/35/EC (Environmental Appeals Act)
- Act establishing a Federal Nature Protection Agency
- Act establishing a Federal Office for Radiation Protection
- Act establishing the Federal Environmental Agency
- Act establishing the German Federal Environmental Institute
- Act on Labelling for Energy Consumption
- Act on Managing Water Resources
- Act on the Assessment of Environmental Impacts
- Act on the promotion of renewable energies in the heat sector
- Act Supporting the Voluntary Environmental Year
- Act to Improve Preventive Flood Control
- Adoption of radioactive waste directive
- Adoption of the Energy Labelling Directive by Parliament
- Adoption of the National Strategy for the Sustainable Use and Protection of the Sea
- African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA)
- African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA)
- Agreement on light commercial vehicles
- Agreement on protecting the Antarctic
- Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats, EUROBATS
- Aircraft Noise Abatement Act
- Alpine Convention
- Alpine Convention
- Used Cars Ordinance
- Amendment of the Act on Managing Water Resources
- Amendment of the Drinking Water Regulation
- Animal Protection Act
- Animal testing ban come into force in the European Union
- Adoption of the Energy Labelling Directive by Parliament
- Argentina: New Law to Protect Glaciers
- Argentina: New Law to Protect Glaciers
- Atomic Energy Act
- Atomic Energy Act
- Environmental Protocol Implementation Act comes into force
- Bathing Water Directive
- Ban on seal products in the EU
- Basel Convention
- Basel Convention
- Bathing Water Directive
- Batteries Act – Penalties go into effect
- Batteriegesetz verkündet
- Batteries Act – Penalties go into effect
- Batteries Ordinance
- Batteries Ordinance
- Tree Preservation Act
- Bayerischer Verfassungsgerichtshof weist Klage gegen Windkraft im Landschaftsschutzgebiet ab
- Bayerischer Verwaltungsgerichtshof bestätigt, dass Verkehrsbeschränkungen für Diesel-Fahrzeuge in München nötig sind
- Introduction of the Ecological Tax Reform
- Leaded petrol Act
- Better information for EU citizens about major accident risks
- Better information for EU citizens about major accident risks
- Beverage Can Deposit Enters into Force
- BfS is the new operator of the Asse II mine
- BfS is the new operator of the Asse II mine
- Increased bioethanol share in petrol
- Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance enters into force
- Biomass Ordinance (as amended as of 1 January 2012)
- Biozid-Meldeverordnung nach dem Chemikaliengesetz tritt in Kraft
- Brazil approves start of Belo Monte dam construction
- Federal Soil Protection Act
- Federal Species Protection Ordinance
- Federal Immissions Control Act
- Federal Cabinet adopts CCS act
- Bundeskabinett beschließt die erste Verordnung zur Änderung der Chemikalien-Sanktionsverordnung
- German cabinet adopts act on special provisions for noise caused by children
- Bundeskabinett beschließt Gesetzentwurf zur Neuregelung des Emissionshandels
- Adoption of the National Strategy for the Sustainable Use and Protection of the Sea
- Bundeskabinett beschließt neue Düngemittelverordnung
- Bundeskabinett beschließt neue Regeln zum Schutz der Artenvielfalt vor invasiven Arten
- Bundeskabinett beschließt neues Strahlenschutzgesetz
- Bundeskabinett beschließt Neuordnung der Klärschlammverwertung
- Federal Cabinet adopted amendment of the Ordinance on Small Firing Installations (1. BImSchV)
- Bundeskabinett beschließt Novelle des Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetzes
- Bundeskabinett beschließt Novelle des Tierschutzgesetzes
- Bundeskabinett beschließt Novelle des UVP-Gesetzes
- Federal Government Adopts Ordinance on Allocation of Free Emission Allowances
- Federal President Wulff Signs Energy and Climate Package Laws
- Bundesrat accepts modification of solar power feed-in tariffs
- Bundesrat accepts modification of solar power feed-in tariffs
- Bundesrat beschließt Bußgelder bei Verstößen gegen Rücknahmepflicht für Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräte
- Bundesrat billigt Vorrang der Erdverkabelung bei Netzausbau
- German Federal Council rejects CCS law
- Bundesrat stimmt Energieeinsparverordnung zu
- Bundesrat stimmt neuem Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz zu
- Bundesrat stimmt Standortauswahlgesetz zu
- Bundesrat stimmt Strahlenschutzgesetz zu
- Bundesrat verabschiedet Gesetz zum Holzhandel
- Bundesregierung bringt Ratifizierung des internationalen Quecksilber-Abkommens auf den Weg
- Parliament Adopts Amendment of Combined Heat and Power Act
- German Government puts individual laws on track instead of Environmental Code
- Bundesregierung verabschiedet neue Energieeinsparverordnung
- Bundestag adopts modification of solar power feed-in tariffs
- Bundestag beschließt die Aufnahme des Tierschutzes ins Grundgesetz
- Bundestag beschließt Energieleitungsausbaugesetz
- German Federal Parliament adopts changes for solar feed-in tariffs
- Bundestag beschließt Lex Asse
- Parliament (Bundestag) passes amendment to the Federal Nature Conservation Act
- Bundestag adopts modification of solar power feed-in tariffs
- Bundestag stimmt der neuen Gewerbeabfallverordnung zu
- German Parliament approves CCS bill
- German parliament passes law to extend use of nuclear power
- Bundestag stimmt Änderung der der Klärschlammverordnung zu
- Bundestag verabschiedet neues Verpackungsgesetz
- Bundestag verabschiedet Standortauswahlgesetz
- Bundestag verabschiedet Standortauswahlgesetz
- Bundesverfassungsgericht bestätigt Gentechnikgesetz
- Bundesverfassungsgericht stärkt Bürgerrechte gegen Gefahren durch Atomkraft
- Bundesverfassungsgericht verhandelt über den 2011 beschleunigten Atomausstieg in Deutschland
- Bundesverwaltungsgericht stärkt den Artenschutz bei der Bauplanung
- Bundesverwaltungsgericht stärkt Klagerechte von Umweltverbänden
- Bundesverwaltungsgericht vertagt Entscheidung zur Elbvertiefung
- Federal Forests Act
- Bundesweite Pflicht zum getrennten Sammeln von Bioabfällen
- Improved Public Access to Information on the Environment
- Cabinet adopts CCS act
- Cabinet decides on implementation of EU Batteries Directive
- The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
- Draft: CCS ACT
- Germany delays CCS law until after election
- Chemical method replaces biological process for detecting marine biotoxins
- Chemicals Act
- Chemicals/REACH: EU to ban cadmium in jewellery, brazing sticks and all plastics
- Chemicals/REACH: six dangerous substances to be phased out by the EU
- Chemicals/REACH: six dangerous substances to be phased out by the EU
- "Chemikalien-Ozonschichtverordnung" came into force on December 1st 2006
- Chemicals Act
- Climate change: European Union notifies EU emission reduction targets following Copenhagen Accord
- Commercial Wastes Ordinance Regulates Waste Separation
- Commission adopts rules to reduce electricity consumption of external power supplies
- Commission decision concerning the non-inclusion of lindane in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC
- Commission Directive 2009/90/EC on technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water status
- Commission refers GERMANY to Court for e-waste failings and proposes fines
- Commission refers Germany to the Court of Justice of the EU over failure to apply Directive on mobile air conditioning
- Commission sets out criteria for good environmental status for Europe's seas
- Commission strengthens legislation on safety at European chemical plants
- Commission welcomes adoption of climate and energy package
- Convention für the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS) 1972
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
- Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
- Convention on the Protection of the Rhine
- The Copernicus regulation has been published in the Official Journal today
- Cosmetics animal testing case referred to European Union Court of Justice
- Council adopts new legislation against ship-source pollution
- Court of Justice of the European Union tells Poland to halt Białowieża Forest logging
- Crop Protection Act
- Beverage Can Deposit Enters into Force
- The Environmental Appeals Act come into effect
- Landfill Ordinance Enters into Force
- Deposit of Untreated Waste Terminated
- German unity
- Deutsche Trinkwasserverordnung: Erstmals Trinkwassergrenzwert für Uran in der Europäischen Union (EU)
- Deutsche Trinkwasserverordnung: Erstmals Trinkwassergrenzwert für Uran in der Europäischen Union (EU)
- Deutscher Bundtag beschließt Gesetz zur Finanzierung der Atom-Folgekosten
- Deutsches Verpackungsgesetz tritt Anfang 2019 in Kraft
- Germany first country to ratify IRENA's Statute
- German duty on nuclear fuel is compatible with EU law
- Directive 2001/42/EC came into force in German law
- Directive 2008/105/EC of the European Parliament and of Council comes into force
- Directive on Environmental Noise
- Draft: CCS ACT
- Fertilisers Act
- E.on reicht Klage ein
- EC plant protection package of measures enters into force
- EEC commission guideline on preservation of wild bird species (79/409/EWG)
- EC plant protection package of measures enters into force
- Agreement on light commercial vehicles
- Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act
- Electricity Feed-in Act
- Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act
- EMAS Regulation
- EMAS Regulation
- Emission performance standards for new light commercial vehicles
- Emissions trading: auctioning of allowances in Germany to be launched in 2010
- Emissions trading: Commission adopts decision on how free allowances should be allocated from 2013
- Emissions trading: Commission adopts decision on how free allowances should be allocated from 2013
- Emissions trading: auctioning of allowances in Germany to be launched in 2010
- Emission performance standards for new light commercial vehicles
- Act on Labelling for Energy Consumption
- Energy Conservation Act
- Commission decision concerning the non-inclusion of lindane in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC
- Environment Council adopts REACH
- Environment: Commission asks Germany to apply cost recovery obligations to all water services
- Environment: New rules on illegal timber come into force across EU
- Environmental Audit Act
- Environmental Code failed
- Environmental Information Act
- Environmental Liability Act
- Environmental matters: European Commission takes Germany to Court over Access to Justice
- Environmental Protocol Implementation Act comes into force
- Environmental Statistics Act
- EP plenary vote on Biocide Regulation
- Renewable Energy Sources Act - Amendment
- Renewable Energy Sources Act
- First general administrative guidelines under the Federal Immissions Control Act (Technical Guidelines on Air Quality - TA Luft)
- First regulations on health and material quality
- First regulation on orderly waste disposal
- Espoo-Convention
- Espoo-Convention
- European Union (EU)
- EU 100 watt light bulbs ban comes into force
- EU 100 watt light bulbs ban comes into force
- EU adopts stricter rules on industrial emissions
- EU authorises cultivation of genetically modified potato Amflora
- EU ban on seal products trade goes into effect
- EU to phase out energy-guzzling light bulbs
- EU climate and energy package enter into force
- EU Commission guideline 96/61/EEC on the integrated avoidance and reduction of pollution
- EU commission guideline on preservation of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna
- EU court ruling toughens regulations on chemicals of 'very high concern'
- EU adopts stricter rules on industrial emissions
- EU ban on seal products trade goes into effect
- European Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation concerning the placing on the market and use of biocidal products
- EU organic logo fully up and running from 1 July 2012
- EU revises laws to better protect animals used in scientific experiments
- EU to phase out energy-guzzling light bulbs
- EU Water Framework Directive Enters into Force
- EU Water Framework Directive Enters into Force
- EU revises laws to better protect animals used in scientific experiments
- EU organic logo fully up and running from 1 July 2012
- EU court ruling toughens regulations on chemicals of 'very high concern'
- EU-GHS entered into force
- Commission sets out criteria for good environmental status for Europe's seas
- EU-Kommission muss Zusammensetzung von Glyphosat veröffentlichen
- Seveso III rules are approve by MEPs
- European Parliament adopted Plant Protection Products Regulation
- European Parliament approves recast of WEEE Directive
- Chemical method replaces biological process for detecting marine biotoxins
- EU-weit gültige Höchstgehalte für Pflanzenschutzmittel-Rückstände
- EU-wide restrictions on Pesticide use to enter into force on 1 December
- EU-wide restrictions on Pesticide use to enter into force on 1 December
- Court of Justice of the European Union tells Poland to halt Białowieża Forest logging
- Euopäischer Gerichtshof erweitert Klagerecht von Umweltverbänden
- The 1998 Protocol on Heavy Metals enters into force
- New treaty on pollutants enters into force on 8 October
- European Commission adopted a proposal for a Regulation concerning the placing on the market and use of biocidal products
- European Commission sets the rules for allocation of free emissions allowances to airlines
- European Commission welcomes the 7th Environment Action Programme becoming law
- European Parliament adopted Plant Protection Products Regulation
- European Parliament approves recast of WEEE Directive
- European Union (EU)
- European Union seal ban takes effect
- EU-GHS entered into force
- EU authorises cultivation of genetically modified potato Amflora
- European Commission sets the rules for allocation of free emissions allowances to airlines
- Commission adopts rules to reduce electricity consumption of external power supplies
- Ban on seal products in the EU
- Explorationsbohrungen im Nationalpark Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer sind nicht genehmigungsfähig
- Ordinance Prohibiting CFC Halons
- Federal Cabinet adopted amendment of the Ordinance on Small Firing Installations (1. BImSchV)
- Federal Cabinet adopts CCS act
- Federal Forests Act
- Federal Government Adopts Ordinance on Allocation of Free Emission Allowances
- Federal Immissions Control Act
- Federal President Wulff Signs Energy and Climate Package Laws
- Federal Regional Planning Act
- Federal Soil Protection Act
- Federal Species Protection Ordinance
- Fertilisers Act
- First general administrative guidelines under the Federal Immissions Control Act (Technical Guidelines on Air Quality - TA Luft)
- First regulation on orderly waste disposal
- First regulations on health and material quality
- Fracking ban upheld by French constitutional court
- Fracking-Regelungen treten in Kraft
- Framework Convention on Climate (UNFCC)
- Frankfurt airport night flight ban confirmed
- French appeals court upholds conviction of oil company Total
- French appeals court upholds conviction of oil company Total
- Full EU ban on animal testing for cosmetics enters into force
- Genetic Engineering Act
- Genetically modified corn ban was justified
- Genetically modified Food must be labelled in Europe
- Genetically modified corn ban was justified
- Genetic Engineering Act
- GMOs: Member States to be given full responsibility on cultivation in their territories
- The General Court confirms the validity of the Regulation on the marketing of seal products
- German cabinet adopts act on special provisions for noise caused by children
- German duty on nuclear fuel is compatible with EU law
- German Federal Council rejects CCS law
- German Federal Parliament adopts changes for solar feed-in tariffs
- German Government puts individual laws on track instead of Environmental Code
- German national sustainability strategy " Perspectives for Germany"
- German Parliament approves CCS bill
- German parliament passes law to extend use of nuclear power
- German unity
- Germany delays CCS law until after election
- Germany first country to ratify IRENA's Statute
- Aircraft Noise Abatement Act
- Directive 2001/42/EC came into force in German law
- Energy Conservation Act
- Act establishing the German Federal Environmental Institute
- Act Supporting the Voluntary Environmental Year
- Act on the promotion of renewable energies in the heat sector
- Act amending the German constitution
- Act establishing a Federal Nature Protection Agency
- Act establishing a Federal Office for Radiation Protection
- Act establishing the Federal Environmental Agency
- Act on the Assessment of Environmental Impacts
- Gesetz über die Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung in Umweltangelegenheiten nach der EG-Richtlinie 2003/35/EG sog. Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligungsgesetz
- Act Concerning Supplemental Provisions on Appeals in Environmental Matters Pursuant to EC Directive 2003/35/EC (Environmental Appeals Act)
- Commercial Wastes Ordinance Regulates Waste Separation
- GMOs: Member States to be given full responsibility on cultivation in their territories
- Greenpeace Rechtsgutachten: Haltung von Mastschweinen verstösst gegen Tierschutzgesetz und Verfassung
- Greenpeace reicht Klage gegen Gorleben als Atomlager ein
- Greenpeace reicht Klage gegen Rahmenbetriebsplan für Gorleben ein
- Greenpeace-Gutachten zur Rechtmäßigkeit des Exports radioaktiver Abfälle des AVR Jülich in die USA vorgelegt
- Limit Values for Fine Dust Exceeded
- Supreme Court orders new UK air quality plan
- Grünes Licht für Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetzes
- Handel muss bei einem Verstoß gegen seine Rücknahmepflichten für Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräte mit einem Bußgeld rechnen
- European Union seal ban takes effect
- Harmful textile dye finally banned
- Helsinki Convention comes fully into force
- High Seas Dumping Act
- Hochwasserschutzgesetz II passiert den Bundesrat
- Act to Improve Preventive Flood Control
- High Seas Dumping Act
- Hygiene regulations
- Maximum residue levels of pesticides
- MEPs vote to cut illegal timber out of the EU market
- Import ban on baby seal skins.
- Import ban on baby seal skins.
- Improved Public Access to Information on the Environment
- Increased bioethanol share in petrol
- Cosmetics animal testing case referred to European Union Court of Justice
- International Court of Justice orders Japan to halt Antarctic whaling
- International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA)
- International Court of Justice orders Japan to halt Antarctic whaling
- International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA)
- Whaling Convention
- Introduction of the Ecological Tax Reform
- IPPC Directive enter in force
- IRENA has been founded
- IRENA has been founded
- IPPC Directive enter in force
- Judgement of the ECJ: Protection against particulate matter
- Kabinett beschließt Entwurf für ein Standortauswahlgesetz
- Kabinett beschließt Hinweispflichten des Handels bei Einweg- und Mehrwegverpackungen
- Kabinett beschließt in zweiter Befassung CCS-Gesetzentwurf: Unterirdische Einlagerung von CO2 wird landesweit ausgeschlossen
- Kabinett beschließt Lex Asse
- Kabinett beschließt umfangreiches Regelungspaket zur Umsetzung der 2010 verabschiedeten EU-Richtlinie über Industrieemissionen
- Cabinet decides on implementation of EU Batteries Directive
- Cabinet adopts CCS act
- Kabinett verabschiedet Elektromobilitätsgesetz
- Kennzeichnung "ohne Gentechnik"
- Genetically modified Food must be labelled in Europe
- Kernbrennstoffsteuergesetz mit dem Grundgesetz unvereinbar und nichtig
- Klage des BUND gegen den Tagebau Hambach ohne Erfolg
- Klage des Energiekonzerns RWE gegen den Bund und das Land Hessen wegen Biblis-Abschaltung
- Kleinfeuerungsanlagenverordnung tritt in Kraft
- EU climate and energy package enter into force
- Klimaklage gegen RWE vom Landgericht Essen angenommen
- Framework Convention on Climate (UNFCC)
- Commission welcomes adoption of climate and energy package
- Commission strengthens legislation on safety at European chemical plants
- Commission refers Germany to the Court of Justice of the EU over failure to apply Directive on mobile air conditioning
- Commission refers GERMANY to Court for e-waste failings and proposes fines
- Climate change: European Union notifies EU emission reduction targets following Copenhagen Accord
- Kraftwerk Moorburg darf mit der geplanten Durchlaufkühlung vorläufig in Betrieb gehen
- Waste Avoidance, Recycling and Disposal Act
- Kyoto Protocol Enters into Force
- Kyoto Protocol Enters into Force
- Landfill Ordinance Enters into Force
- Regional Court Essen dismisses climate lawsuit against RWE
- Law on End-of-Life Vehicles Enters into Force
- Leaded petrol Act
- Less pollution from buses and trucks
- Limit Values for Fine Dust Exceeded
- Low-emission zones
- Noise mapping and actions plans become legally binding
- Ordinance on Organic Solvents Enters into Force
- Marine Strategy Framework Directive adopted
- Maximum residue levels of pesticides
- Mediation Committee conclusions on support for solar energy
- Marine Strategy Framework Directive adopted
- Melting glaciers: Peruvian requests German utility RWE to pay for protective measures
- MEPs vote to cut illegal timber out of the EU market
- MEPs vote to step up eco-labelling
- Minamata Convention on Mercury to enter into force
- Minamata Convention on Mercury to enter into force
- Montreal Protocol
- Montreal Protocol
- Nachhaltiger Ausbau von Biokraftstoffen
- Biomass Electricity Sustainability Ordinance enters into force
- Frankfurt airport night flight ban confirmed
- German national sustainability strategy " Perspectives for Germany"
- Netherlands: Government is committed to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by 2020 by court ruling
- Neue Düngeverordnung tritt in Kraft
- New rules on e-waste to boost resource efficiency
- Neue Energieeinsparverordnung tritt in Kraft
- New EU Biocides Regulation applies from 1 September 2013
- Neue EU-Energielabel-Verordnung tritt in Kraft
- New EU Directive on Ambient Air Quality transposed into German law
- New EU-Direstrictive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment enters in force
- New EU legislation requiring collection and recycling of spent batteries applies from today
- Rules on biocidal products enter into force
- Neue Haftungsregeln für die Antarktis
- Helsinki Convention comes fully into force
- New vehicle taxe
- Neue Regelung zum Schutz vor elektromagnetischen Feldern
- New directive on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations
- New timber regulation comes into force
- Environment: New rules on illegal timber come into force across EU
- New provisions on protection against electromagnetic fields enter into force
- Neuer Grenzwert für Blei im Trinkwasser tritt in Kraft
- Law on End-of-Life Vehicles Enters into Force
- New Atomic Energy Act enters into force
- New Nature Conservation Act Enters into Force
- Neues Verpackungsgesetz passiert den Bundesrat
- New Washing & Cleansing Agents Act
- New Atomic Energy Act enters into force
- New directive on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations
- New Energy Savings Ordinance enter into force
- New EU Biocides Regulation applies from 1 September 2013
- New EU Directive on Ambient Air Quality transposed into German law
- New EU legislation requiring collection and recycling of spent batteries applies from today
- New EU-Direstrictive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment enters in force
- New Nature Conservation Act Enters into Force
- New provisions on protection against electromagnetic fields enter into force
- New rules on e-waste to boost resource efficiency
- New timber regulation comes into force
- New treaty on pollutants enters into force on 8 October
- New vehicle taxe
- New Washing & Cleansing Agents Act
- Netherlands: Government is committed to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by 2020 by court ruling
- Niedrigere Verbrauchswerte für für eine Reihe von Elektrogeräten des alltäglichen Bedarfs
- Noise mapping and actions plans become legally binding
- Notfallschutzbestimmungen des Strahlenschutzgesetzes treten in Kraft
- Novelle des Erneuerbare-Energien-Wärmegesetzes tritt am 1. Mai in Kraft
- Amendment of the Act on Managing Water Resources
- The Amendments of Act for Protection against Aircraft Noise enter into force
- Revision of the Waste Framework Directive
- Amendment of the Drinking Water Regulation
- NRW cabinet adopts climate protection act
- NRW cabinet adopts climate protection act
- MEPs vote to step up eco-labelling
- Ordinance on Organic Solvents Enters into Force
- Ordinance Prohibiting CFC Halons
- OSPAR Convention
- OSPAR Convention
- OVG Schleswig hebt die Genehmigung für das Zwischenlager Brunsbüttel auf
- Parliament (Bundestag) passes amendment to the Federal Nature Conservation Act
- Parliament Adopts Amendment of Combined Heat and Power Act
- Crop Protection Act
- Pflichtpfand auf Getränkedosen und Einwegflaschen
- EP plenary vote on Biocide Regulation
- POP Convention Enters into Force
- POP Convention Enters into Force
- Precautionary Act on Protection from Radiation
- Proposal for a regulation reducing so-called standby power consumption
- Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
- Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
- A new regulation to restrict the phosphates in detergents by the Council
- Federal Regional Planning Act
- REACH Regulation entered into force
- REACH Regulation entered into force
- Chemicals/REACH: EU to ban cadmium in jewellery, brazing sticks and all plastics
- Realisation of the Large Combustion Plant Directive in the New Länder
- Recast of the Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings
- Reform der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung beschlossen
- Reform of environmental law completed
- Reform of environmental law takes effect: new Acts enter into force
- Reform des Vergaberechts
- Reform of environmental law completed
- Reform of environmental law takes effect: new Acts enter into force
- Regional Court Essen dismisses climate lawsuit against RWE
- Renewable Energy Sources Act
- Renewable Energy Sources Act - Amendment
- Repository Site Selection Act enters into force
- US House of Representatives passes energy and environmental bill
- Revised European radiation protection directive adopted
- Revised phase-out schedule for single-hull tankers enters into force
- Revision of "Eurovignette" Directive
- Revision of "Eurovignette" Directive
- Revision of the Waste Framework Directive
- Directive 2008/105/EC of the European Parliament and of Council comes into force
- Commission Directive 2009/90/EC on technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water status
- EU Commission guideline 96/61/EEC on the integrated avoidance and reduction of pollution
- EEC commission guideline on preservation of wild bird species (79/409/EWG)
- EU commission guideline on preservation of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna
- Revised European radiation protection directive adopted
- Council adopts new legislation against ship-source pollution
- The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive enter into force
- Rotterdam Convention (PIC) enters into force
- Rotterdam Convention (PIC) enters into force
- Rules on biocidal products enter into force
- RWE, Vattenfall must shut down Biblis A and Brunsbuettel
- RWE, Vattenfall must shut down Biblis A and Brunsbuettel
- Rücknahmepflicht des Handels für Elektro-Altgeräte tritt in Kraft
- Hygiene regulations
- Schallschutzkonzept für Schweinswale in der Nordsee tritt in Kraft
- Schleswig-Holstein: Kabinett beschließt CCS-Gesetzentwurf
- Melting glaciers: Peruvian requests German utility RWE to pay for protective measures
- Schultheissen Regulations
- Schultheissen Regulations
- Sweden passes climate law to be carbon neutral by 2045
- Schweizer stimmen in einem Referendum für Energiewende
- Seveso III rules are approve by MEPs
- Spain prohibits hammerhead and thresher shark fisheries
- Spain prohibits hammerhead and thresher shark fisheries
- Repository Site Selection Act enters into force
- Precautionary Act on Protection from Radiation
- Tighter restrictions on industrial creosote use
- Electricity Feed-in Act
- Supreme Court orders new UK air quality plan
- Sweden passes climate law to be carbon neutral by 2045
- Brazil approves start of Belo Monte dam construction
- The 1998 Protocol on Heavy Metals enters into force
- The Amendments of Act for Protection against Aircraft Noise enter into force
- The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
- The Copernicus regulation has been published in the Official Journal today
- The Environmental Appeals Act come into effect
- The General Court confirms the validity of the Regulation on the marketing of seal products
- The second phase of the Commission Regulation on household lamps enters into force
- The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive enter into force
- Animal Protection Act
- Animal testing ban come into force in the European Union
- Tighter restrictions on industrial creosote use
- Revised phase-out schedule for single-hull tankers enters into force
- Tree Preservation Act
- Directive on Environmental Noise
- Realisation of the Large Combustion Plant Directive in the New Länder
- Environmental matters: European Commission takes Germany to Court over Access to Justice
- Environmental Audit Act
- Harmful textile dye finally banned
- Environmental Code failed
- Environmental Liability Act
- Environmental Information Act
- Environment: Commission asks Germany to apply cost recovery obligations to all water services
- Environment Council adopts REACH
- Environmental Statistics Act
- Low-emission zones
- UNESCO Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
- UNESCO Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
- United Kingdom Climate Change Act
- Aarhus Convention signed
- Urteil des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts: Pläne zur Elbvertiefung müssen nachgebessert werden
- Judgement of the ECJ: Protection against particulate matter
- Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs: Hamburger Kraftwerk verstößt gegen europäisches Recht
- Urteile des Verwaltungsgerichtshofs Kassel zum Kernkraftwerk Biblis rechtskräftig
- US House of Representatives passes energy and environmental bill
- Used Cars Ordinance
- Recast of the Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings
- Adoption of radioactive waste directive
- Vereinfachung der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung für Projekte
- Fracking ban upheld by French constitutional court
- Mediation Committee conclusions on support for solar energy
- Proposal for a regulation reducing so-called standby power consumption
- Verwaltungsgericht Gießen lehnt Solarsatzung der Stadt Marburg ab
- Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
- 4th Amendment to the Genetic Engineering Act
- Full EU ban on animal testing for cosmetics enters into force
- "Forest ban"
- Washing and Cleansing Agents Act
- Washing and Cleansing Agents Act
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
- Act on Managing Water Resources
- Waste Avoidance, Recycling and Disposal Act
- Waste Framework Directive
- Waste Shipment Act
- Waste Water Ordinance
- United Kingdom Climate Change Act
- Less pollution from buses and trucks
- Whaling Convention
- Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
- WWF: Legal Complaint Filed Against Germany Over New Coal Plant
- WWF: Legal Complaint Filed Against Germany Over New Coal Plant
- The second phase of the Commission Regulation on household lamps enters into force
- Biomass Ordinance (as amended as of 1 January 2012)
- New Energy Savings Ordinance enter into force
- Änderung des Umweltstatistikgesetzes beschlossen
- Convention on the Protection of the Rhine
- Convention für the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS) 1972
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
- Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident