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Der Rat der EU hat am 10. Februar 2012 die vom Europäischen Parlament beschlossene Verordnung in Bezug auf die Verwendung von Phosphaten und anderen Phosphorverbindungen in Wasch- und Maschinengeschirrspülmitteln angenommen. Für Textilwaschmittel gilt ab 30. Juni 2013 ein Grenzwert von höchstens 0,5 Gramm Phosphor pro normaler Dosierung für einen Waschvorgang. Ab 1. Januar 2017 tritt ein Höchstwert von 0,3 Gramm Phosphor pro Dosierung in Maschinengeschirrspülmitteln in Kraft.


On 10 February 2012, the Council adopted a regulation following an agreement with the European Parliament in order to restrict the use of phosphates and other phosphorus compounds in consumer laundry and automatic dishwasher detergents in order to reduce the level of phosphorus poured into the waters. In addition to domestic detergents, the scope of the regulation also includes detergents used in public laundrettes. The limit value for consumer laundry detergents is set at 0.5 grams of phosphorus per washing process in a standard washing machine, and it will be applicable as from 30 June 2013. The limit value for consumer automatic dishwasher detergents is set at 0.3 grams ofphosphorus in a standard dosage, and it will be applicable as from 1 January 2017.

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