EN70 Umweltaspekte von Energie und Rohstoffen: Grundlagen, Hintergrundinformationen und übergreifende Fragen Collection
Alternative Labels
- EN70 Environmental aspects of energy and raw materials: Theory, basic principles and general questions
Allgemeine und Hintergrundinformationen zum Thema Energie und stoffliche Ressourcen,Vorräten an Energie und Rohstoffen, auch energietechnische Fragen
- Adiabates Druckluftspeicherkraftwerk
- Albedo
- Alternativtechnologie
- Anorganische Leuchtdiode
- Anthropogenes Lager
- Aquifergas
- Bahnstromleitung
- Bahnstromnetz
- Baltic Sea pipeline
- Baurohstoff
- Beleuchtungsstärke
- Bergius-Pier-Verfahren
- Bergwerk
- Betavoltaik
- Biogene Roh- und Reststoffe
- Bionik
- Braunkohlerevier
- Brennkammer
- Brennstoffpreis
- Bruttostromerzeugung
- Chinese reed
- Columbit
- Dampfkessel
- Darrieus-Rotor
- Druckwasserreaktor
- Druckwechseladsorption
- Durchlauferhitzer
- EU energy policy
- Elektrische Leistung
- Elektrischer Kondensator
- Elektrobackofen
- Elektroherd
- Elektrokleingerät
- Elektrostahl
- Energieaußenpolitik
- Energiebewusstsein
- Energieeffiziente Stadt
- Energieexport
- Energiehandel
- Energiekrise
- Energienutzung
- Energiesicherheitspolitik
- Energiesystem
- Energieversorgungsnetz
- Energieverteilung
- Erdgasexploration
- Erdgassteuer
- Erdölgas
- Erdölraffination
- Erdölverbrauch
- Erdölvorrat
- Etagenheizung
- European Atomic Energy Community
- Exergie
- Faserverbundwerkstoff
- Fernwärmeversorgung
- Festbrennstoff
- Flussspat
- Flächenheizung
- Flüssigbrennstoff
- Fußbodenheizung
- Galliumnitrid
- Gasbohrung
- Gaserzeugung
- Gaskraftwerk
- Gasnetz
- Gaspreis
- Generator
- German Resource Efficiency Programme
- Glühlampe
- Grundlast
- HFO-1234yf
- HVO fuel
- Heizkessel und Kombiboiler
- Heizungsanlagenverordnung
- Hochfrequente Felder
- Hochspannungsnetz
- Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzelle
- Hochtemperaturreaktor
- Höchstspannungsnetz
- Hüttenindustrie
- IGCC-CCS-Kraftwerk
- Industrieholz
- Integrierte Kohlevergasung
- Jatropha oil
- Kaverne
- Keramikrohstoff
- Kernforschungsanlage
- Kernfusion
- Kernfusionsreaktor
- Kernphysik
- Kernreaktion
- Kernschmelze
- Kerntechnik
- Klimatechnik
- Kohlebrand
- Kohleimport
- Kohlekraftwerk
- Kohlenstoffmarkt
- Kohletechnologie
- Komplexe Set-Top-Boxen
- Kopiergerät
- Kraftwerksstilllegung
- Kraftwerkstechnik
- Kupferhütte
- Kältetechnik
- Kühldecke
- LED lamp
- LMT battery
- Ladegeräte und Netzteile
- Lampe
- Landschaftspflegematerial
- Landstromanschluss
- Langzeitspeicherung
- Leichtöl
- Leinöl
- Leuchtstofflampe
- Lichttechnik
- Linearmotor
- Lithium-Polymer-Akkumulator
- Lüftungstechnik
- Manganknolle
- Material [Ausgangsstoff]
- Mechanische Energie
- Methanolreformer
- Mikro-KWK-Anlage
- Mikrobielle Ressourcen
- Mikroelektronik
- Mittelspannungsnetz
- Mobilfunk
- Motor
- Motorsäge
- N-Ethylcarbazol
- Naturfaser
- Nettostromerzeugung
- Nicht erneuerbare Ressource
- Nichtmetallischer Rohstoff
- Niederfrequente Felder
- Niederspannungsnetz
- Niedertemperaturkessel
- ORC plant
- ORC process
- Oberleitungs-Hybrid-LKW
- Oberleitungs-LKW
- Ofenheizung
- Offshore-Pipeline
- Organische Leuchtdiode
- Osmium
- Ottomotor
- Peak Oil
- Personal Light Electric Vehicle
- Petrochemie
- Pflanzenfaser
- Photonik
- Plasmaphysik
- Plasmatechnik
- Plusenergiehaus
- Power-to-Chemicals
- Probebohrung
- Propeller
- RAM-Batterie
- Radionuklidbatterie
- Raffination
- Reaktordruckbehälter
- Reaktorsicherheitsbehälter
- Redispatch
- Regeltechnik
- Regeneratives Kombikraftwerk
- Regionalstrom
- Reserve
- Reservekraftwerk
- Residuallast
- Ressourcenabbau
- Rohmaterial
- Rohrglanzgras
- Rohstoffexport
- Rohstoffimport
- Rohstoffpotential
- Rohstoffvorkommen
- Rohstoffäquivalent
- SLI battery
- Salzbergbau
- Salzgewinnung
- Sandgrube
- Schlackenwolle
- Schlempe
- Schneller Brutreaktor
- Schwelbrand
- Schwimmendes Kraftwerk
- Seekabel
- Sekundärenergieträger
- Siedewasserreaktor
- Siemens-Martin process
- Small Modular Reactor
- Speicherung
- Stadtgas
- Stirlingmaschine
- Strahlenphysik
- Strahlungsenergie
- Stromeinspeisung
- Strompreis
- Strompreiskompensation
- Stromtransport
- Stromübertragungsnetz
- Thermodynamik
- Tiefseeboden
- Tieftemperaturtechnik
- Tight Gas
- Tonstein
- Treibstoff
- Tschernobyl-Kernschmelzunfall
- Umspannwerk
- Umweltgüter
- Untertagebau
- Unterwasser
- Verbrennungstechnik
- Verpackungsindustrie
- Viertaktmotor
- Volatile Energie
- Wandheizung
- Wasserstoffbrennstoffzelle
- Wellenkraftwerk
- Windmühle
- Wärmebrücke
- Wärmehaushalt
- Wärmemarkt
- Zweitaktmotor
- [energy and resources]
- accumulator
- agricultural commodity
- agricultural wood
- air cooling
- alternative energy
- animal genetic resources
- animal resources
- anorganic raw material
- aviation fuel
- bagasse
- banana fiber
- basic oxygen steelmaking
- battery
- bio-CNG
- biobased plastic
- biodiesel
- bioenergy
- biogas injection
- biogas treatment
- bioleaching
- biomethane
- bioplastic
- bioprospecting
- bitumen
- blue hydrogen
- building climatisation
- building heat
- central heating
- charging infrastructure
- chimney stove
- circulating pump
- coal gasification
- coal industry
- coal mining
- combined cycle power plant
- combustion
- combustion engine
- compact fluorescent lamp
- compressed air energy storage power plant
- consumer electronics
- conventional energy
- cooling
- cooling technology
- copper mining
- cork
- cremation
- critical raw material
- crude oil
- cultivated biomass
- decentralised energy supply
- deep sea mining
- deep-freezing
- deposit
- diesel engine
- district cooling
- district heating
- e scooter
- eHighway
- eco-effectiveness
- electric bicycle
- electric heating
- electric motor scooter
- electric motorcycle
- electric storage heating
- electric utility vehicle
- electric vehicle
- electric vehicle battery
- electrical and electronic devices
- electrical engineering
- electricity
- electricity distribution
- electricity generation
- electricity import
- electricity industry
- electricity market
- electricity mix
- electricity supply
- electricity system
- electrification
- electromobility
- electronic toy
- electronics
- energetic utilization
- energy
- energy [use narrower terms]
- energy charter
- energy concept
- energy conversion
- energy cooperative
- energy crop
- energy crop production
- energy farming
- energy forest
- energy import
- energy infrastructure
- energy market
- energy policy
- energy price
- energy production
- energy resources
- energy security
- energy supply
- energy transition
- energy transport
- energy wood
- energy yield
- energy-only market
- energy-related CO2 emissions
- energy-related emissions
- energy-related product
- enhanced gas recovery
- enhanced oil recovery
- environmental heat
- exploitation of raw materials
- extractive industry
- final energy
- firewood
- firing
- firing installation
- flameless oxidation
- flowback water
- fluidized-bed combustion
- fossil energy
- fracking
- frozen food
- fuel
- fuel cell
- fuel gas
- fuel oil consumer installation
- fuel price
- gas discharge lamp
- gas engine
- gas heating
- gas hydrate
- gas industry
- gas market
- gas pipeline
- gas supply
- geothermal collector
- geothermal energy
- gold
- grate firing
- gravel extraction
- grid integration
- guarantee of origin
- hand drying
- heat
- heat exchanger
- heat generation
- heat supply
- heat transition
- heating
- heating boiler
- heating energy
- heating oil
- heating technology
- heavy fuel oil
- hemp
- high temperature battery
- high-voltage direct-current transmission
- hot water
- hot water storage
- household appliance
- household electrical appliance
- household lamp
- hybrid drive
- hydraulic stimulation
- hydroelectric power plant
- hydroenergy
- hydrogen
- hydrogen engine
- hydrogen production
- hydrogen station
- imaging equipment
- industrial battery
- industrial raw material
- industrial wood residue
- infrared heating
- internal energy market
- landfill gas
- latent heat
- lead-acid battery
- light water reactor
- light-emitting diode
- lighting
- lignite
- lignite-fired power plant
- liquefied natural gas
- lithium battery
- lithium mining
- lithium-ion battery
- local heat supply
- local public utilities
- luminaire
- marine energy
- marine fuel
- marine mining
- melting furnace
- metal processing
- metal raw material
- metallurgy
- microgrid
- microwave oven
- mineral fiber insulation material
- mineral raw material
- mining
- mining district
- mobile phone
- mobility transition
- motor fuel
- natural gas
- natural gas combined-cycle power plant
- natural gas extraction
- natural resources
- nickel-cadmium accumulator
- non-renewable raw material
- nuclear decommissioning
- nuclear energy
- nuclear fuel
- nuclear phase-out
- nuclear policy
- nuclear power plant
- nuclear reactor
- offshore engineering
- offshore gas production
- offshore oil production
- oil extraction
- oil heating
- oil sand
- oil sand mining
- oil shale
- open fire
- ore
- organic photovoltaics
- overburden
- overhead line
- overhead power line
- oxyfuel process
- palm oil
- paper
- petroleum product
- phosphoric acid fuel cell
- pipeline
- platinum metal
- polar oil
- portable battery
- potash mining
- power grid
- power station
- power to gas
- pressure water scrubbing
- primary battery
- primary energy
- primary raw material
- process heat
- propulsion technology
- pumped storage power plant
- pyrolysis oil
- quarry
- range extender
- rapeseed methyl ester
- raw material
- raw material economy
- raw material reserve
- raw material resources
- raw material shortage
- raw material supply
- rebound effect
- refrigerating appliance
- refrigerator
- renewable energy
- renewable raw material
- reservoir water
- resource economics
- resource efficiency programme
- resource extraction
- resource justice
- resource policy
- resource scarcity
- resource use
- run-of-the-river power plant
- salt dome
- sand
- secondary energy
- security of electricity supply
- security of gas supply
- self-energy production
- sewage gas
- shale gas extraction
- shale oil
- shallow geothermal energy
- short rotation coppice
- skybeamer
- slate mining
- small hydropower
- small power station
- smartphone
- solar energy
- solar funding
- solar vehicle
- soybean oil
- space heat
- steam turbine
- steel
- steel production
- storage power station
- substitute fuel
- sufficiency
- surface mining
- sustainable resource use
- switchgear
- synthetic fuel
- television set
- thermal radiation
- thin-film solar cell
- tinplate
- torrefaction
- tribology
- trigeneration
- tumble dryer
- turbine
- unconventional gas
- unconventional oil
- underground cable
- underground coal gasification
- uranium
- uranium deposit
- uranium mining
- useful energy
- vacuum cleaner
- vegetable carbon
- vegetable oil
- vehicle lighting
- vehicle technology
- washing machine
- water heater
- water heating
- watermill
- wave energy
- wood chip heating
- wood chips
- wood gas
- wood heating
- wood pellet heating
- wood pellets
- woody biomass
- zero emission vehicle
- Ölbohrung
- Ölbrenner
- Ölexploration
- Ölfernleitung
- Ölfrucht
- Ölkraftwerk
- Ölpflanze
- Übriger Bergbau