New initiative for investments in climate action XL-Label
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New initiative for investments in climate action, Germany, Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance, London, USA, United Kingdom, initiative by governments and the private sector, private investments in climate action and adjustment in developing countries, public-private joint platformSchreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:
First drinking water reservoir in Germany., First centralised water supply in Germany, First sewage system in Germany, First sewage treatment plant in Germany, First Greenpeace activities in Germany, London Dumping Convention, London Dumping Convention, End of leaded standard petrol in Germany, Germany's first "Environmental Field Hospitals", Near-disaster in the North Sea off Germany, Climate goals in Germany, Sustainable development in Germany, First bird conservation day in Germany, Fifth UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn (COP 5), EU to support development of electric vehicle transport roads in Europe, BP darf mit den USA wieder Geschäfte machen, Argo Merchant Ölkatastrophe, Argo Merchant oil spill, Brazilian – German Joint Statement on Climate Change, German Federal Cabinet approves Climate Action Plan 2050, Germany: Air quality 2010, Germany deposits instrument of ratification, Präsident Obama weitet Meeresschutzgebiet Papahānaumokuākea aus, Interim assessment of air quality data of 2012, World’s largest solar powered bridge in London, Federal cabinet adopted the Government Programme for Electric Mobility, US-Bundesstaat Oregon beschließt Ausstieg aus der Kohle, Kommission geht wegen anhaltender Luftverschmutzung gegen das Vereinigte Königreich vor, Federal Agency for Nature presents red list of vertebrates in Germany, Das Weiße Haus beginnt mit der Installation einer Solaranlage, White House begins installation of solar panels, Greenpeace-Gutachten zur Rechtmäßigkeit des Exports radioaktiver Abfälle des AVR Jülich in die USA vorgelegt, Ölpest im Yellowstone-Fluss, UBA study: Germany able to make 43-percent savings on its greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, Germany marks 30 years of efforts to protect the Antarctic, 18 million hectares new forest, Commission refers GERMANY to the Court of Justice of the EU over water pollution caused by nitrates, 18 Millionen Hektar neuer Wald, Germany's First Offshore Wind Farm is Formally Commissioned, NABU starts project to to reduce marine litter, US Supreme Court blockiert Obamas Klimaschutzpläne, Germany is proposing a Marine Protected Area in Antartica, German national sustainability strategy " Perspectives for Germany", RSK publishes safety review report, Dänisches Wattenmeer wird Teil des Weltnaturerbes, 13 US-Konzerne sagen Klimaschutz zu, A new president for the Federal Environment Agency, Erster umfassender Bericht zum globalen Zustand der Pflanzenwelt vorgestellt, State of the World's Plants report launched, Fossil of the Day to Germany at COP22, Bristol European Green Capital 2015, Environmental matters: European Commission takes Germany to Court over Access to Justice, Start of an Exemplary Sino-German Cooperation on Municipal Climate Protection between the Cities of Düsseldorf and Wuxi, Germany increases support for forest protection, Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011, USA und China einigen sich auf Klimaziele, Germany offers to host Green Climate Fund, Riesiger Eisbär führt Greenpeaces Marsch durch London an, World's largest polar bear leads Greenpeace march through London, WWF Amazon Day, New record: renewables make up 78% of power consumption, Living Lake of the Year 2016 - Lake Constance, US-Präsident Obama stellt seinen Clean Power Plan vor, German nuclear power plants to undergo safety review, März 2012 - der wärmste März der USA, UK sets ambitious new 2032 climate goal, Ancient Beech Forests - Germany submits nomination for UNESCO World Heritage List, Federal Republic of Germany becomes the 64th member state of UNESCO, US Bundesstaat Kalifornien erhöht sein Klimaziel, MAB ICC 2011 in Dresden, Germany, USA: Buckelwale nicht mehr bedroht, Tanker sinks after explosions at refinery Emsland, Permanent German-Dutch Boundary Water Commission celebrates anniversary, Arktis-Staaten unterzeichnen Abkommen über Fischfangverbot, Umstrittene Lizenz für Öl-Bohrprojekt in der Tschuktschensee erteilt, USA zahlen Entschädigung für Beschädigung eines Riffs, US pays Philippines compensation for reef damage, Sperm Whale Stranding in the Nort Sea, New York verbietet Fracking, New York to ban fracking due to health risks, Ölunfall im Hafen von Port Arthur , Texas, Port Arthur oil spill, Texas, Greenfreeze erobert die USA, Greenfreeze goes USA, The first Lynx Path in Germany, Greenhouse gas emissions fall by 2.9 percent in 2011, Emissions trading: 9.4 percent lower CO2 emissions in 2009, Germany's first electricity generated by nuclear power, Third meeting of the World Biodiversity Council (IPBES), Germany first country to ratify IRENA's Statute, EU Commission closes German case on designation of special protection areas, Gruppe junger amerikanischer Klimaaktivisten gewinnt Klimaklage, US-Senat stimmt Bau der Keystone XL Pipeline zu, Germany: Particulate matter concentrations also high in 2009, Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, Greenhouse gas emissions in 2008 at their lowest since 1990, Vorwärts beim Klima- Umweltdemonstration in den USA, Third National Forest Inventory, Greenpeace: EU-Beschwerde gegen den Castortransport aus Jülich, Solarflugzeug Impulse - Überquerung Nordamerikas, UNESCO setzt US-Nationalpark Everglades auf die Liste gefährdeter Welterbestätten, World Heritage Committee inscribes Everglades National Park on List of World Heritage in Danger, SRU veröffentlicht Stellungnahme zu geplanten TTIP, Goldman prize 2011: Ursula Sladek, 100 Jahre National Park Service der USA, Commission refers Germany to the Court of Justice of the EU over failure to apply Directive on mobile air conditioning, Monongahela River oil spill, 2013 Bottlenose Dolphin UME in the Mid-Atlantic, Essen ist Grüne Hauptstadt Europas 2017, Russisch-amerikanische Ölbohrung in der Arktis, Germany: Hottest April in 120 Years, Swabian Alb and Bliesgau recognized as UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, USA wollen weltgrösstes Ozeanschutzgebiet einrichten, Low-emission zones, Internationale Konferenz zur Bekämpfung des illegalen Wildtierhandels, International Conference to combat Illegal Wildlife Trade, New York Climate Summit launches new initiatives to protect forests, Genetically modified corn ban in Germany, Kartendienst zur Luftqualität, USA zerstören beschlagnahmtes Elfenbein, Germany met its climate protection commitments under the Kyoto Protocol in 2008, Plant for the Planet: The millionth tree in Germany, Jjoint study by BMU, UBA and BDE: Climate protection potential of waste industry, Neue Initiative für Investitionen in Klimaschutz, Bau der Keystone XL Pipeline abgelehnt, USA planen Neubau von Atomkraftwerken, US to build new nuclear power plants, Pentagon sieht die nationales Sicherheit durch den Klimawandel bedroht, Wal-MArt gesteht unsachgemäße Entsorgung von Sonderabfällen ein, Wal-Mart pleads guilty to environmental crimes, Fishing for Litter in Germany, Greenpeace Arktis-Protest: Greenpeace-Aktivistinnen klettern auf höchstes Bürogebäude in London, Greenpeace Arctic Protest: 6 Women Activists Climb London Shard, Foreign Office publishes “Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany”, IEA-Klimareport "Neuentwurf der Energie-Klima-Landkarte", Launch of a World Energy Outlook Special Report, Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map, Sunniest spring ever recorded, Hundreds of thousands protest against nuclear energy, German Premiere of Jacques Perrin's "Oceans", Neue Standards für Benzinverbrauch in USA, President Obama's new fuel-efficiency standard, Germany’s Beech Forests inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, Ölpest vor dem Strand Refugio State Beach, Levels of particulate matter too high in Germany’s urban areas, WWF Study: Germany's Water Footprint, Massives Fischsterben in Louisiana, Germany August 2010 was the rainiest on record, Government Adopts Energy Concept, Greenpeace activists protested against the nuclear policy of the German government, Emissions trading: auctioning of allowances in Germany to be launched in 2010, Deepwater Horizon: Meeresboden dort durch Öl verseucht, US-Präsident Obama stoppt Öl-Bohrungen in weiten Teilen der Arktis und der atlantischen Küstenregion, US-Präsident Donald Trump setzt die Projekte Keystone XL Pipeline und Dakota Access Pipeline fort, European Commission warns Germany of continued air pollution breaches, Living Lake of the Year 2017 - Lake Steinhude, US-Präsident Trump genehmigt den Bau der umstrittenen Ölpipeline Keystone XL, US-Präsident Trump unterzeichnet Erlass zur Aufhebung von Obamas Programm gegen den Klimawandel, Germany has become the first country in the European Union (EU) to introduce a limit on uranium in drinking water, US Präsident Donald Trump verkündete den Rückzug der USA aus dem Pariser Klimaschutz-Abkommen, Letzte Rückführung bestrahlter Brennelemente aus dem Berliner Forschungsreaktor BER II in die USA, USA informieren Vereinten Nationen offiziell über ihren Austritt aus dem Pariser Klimavertrag, The Federal Cabinet adopted a Copernicus strategy for Germany, 60 packs of wolves living across Germany, 23th UN Climate Conference (COP23 | CMP13), Federal Environment Agency publishes maps on nitrate pollution of rivers in Germany (Nitrate Reports 2008, 2012 and 2016 and EU Nitrate Directive (91/676/EEC)), Green belt Germany becomes national heritage of nature, German Packaging Act comes into force at the beginning of 2019