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Foreign Office publishes “Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany”, Energiewende, FedeForeign Office, Germany, Who is Who of the Energiewende in Germany, brochure, energy policy

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First drinking water reservoir in Germany., First centralised water supply in Germany, First sewage system in Germany, First sewage treatment plant in Germany, First Greenpeace activities in Germany, End of leaded standard petrol in Germany, Germany's first "Environmental Field Hospitals", Near-disaster in the North Sea off Germany, Climate goals in Germany, Sustainable development in Germany, First bird conservation day in Germany, Fifth UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn (COP 5), EU to support development of electric vehicle transport roads in Europe, Saarland verabschiedet sich vom Steinkohle-Bergbau, Größtes kommerzielles Batteriekraftwerk in Schwerin in Betrieb genommen, Brazilian – German Joint Statement on Climate Change, German Federal Cabinet approves Climate Action Plan 2050, Entwurf des nationalen Netzentwicklungsplans vorgelegt, Germany: Air quality 2010, Germany deposits instrument of ratification, Interim assessment of air quality data of 2012, Bundesrat billigt Vorrang der Erdverkabelung bei Netzausbau, Federal cabinet adopted the Government Programme for Electric Mobility, Gründung des Clubs der Energiewende-Staaten, Federal Agency for Nature presents red list of vertebrates in Germany, Großdemonstration in Berlin "Energiewende nicht kentern lassen", Frankreich beschließt Energiewende, Österreich beschließt Klage gegen britische Atom-Subventionen, UBA study: Germany able to make 43-percent savings on its greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, Germany marks 30 years of efforts to protect the Antarctic, Commission refers GERMANY to the Court of Justice of the EU over water pollution caused by nitrates, Offshore-Netzausbau: Vorschlag für Haftungsregelung und Offshore-Netzentwicklungsplan, Stromautobahn im Norden, McKinsey Studie: Viele Ziele der Energiewende in Deutschland bis 2020 kaum noch erreichbar, Germany's First Offshore Wind Farm is Formally Commissioned, NABU starts project to to reduce marine litter, Bundesregierung legt Bericht zur Umsetzung des 10-Punkte-Sofortprogramms zum Energiekonzept vor, Germany is proposing a Marine Protected Area in Antartica, German national sustainability strategy " Perspectives for Germany", RSK publishes safety review report, TÜV SÜD entwickelt neue Zertifizierung für Energieversorgungsunternehmen, Dänisches Wattenmeer wird Teil des Weltnaturerbes, Protest gegen Braunkohleabbau in der Lausitz, A new president for the Federal Environment Agency, Special report: 100% renewable electricity supply by 2050, Fossil of the Day to Germany at COP22, Britain to phase out coal by 2025, Environmental matters: European Commission takes Germany to Court over Access to Justice, Kabinett verabschiedet Mobilitäts- und Kraftstoffstrategie, Start of an Exemplary Sino-German Cooperation on Municipal Climate Protection between the Cities of Düsseldorf and Wuxi, New EWG study: International Energy Agency holds back global energy transition, Germany increases support for forest protection, Hamburg - European Green Capital 2011, Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung fordert ein Moratorium für den Bau von Windkraftanlagen in Wälder, Germany offers to host Green Climate Fund, WWF Amazon Day, New record: renewables make up 78% of power consumption, Greenpeace fordert Kohleausstiegsgesetz, Living Lake of the Year 2016 - Lake Constance, German nuclear power plants to undergo safety review, Ancient Beech Forests - Germany submits nomination for UNESCO World Heritage List, Bündnis Bürgerenergie, Federal Republic of Germany becomes the 64th member state of UNESCO, Bundesrat stimmt der Einführung sogenannter intelligenter Stromzähler zu, Bundeskabinett verabschiedet Novelle des EEG-Gesetzes 2016, MAB ICC 2011 in Dresden, Germany, Tanker sinks after explosions at refinery Emsland, Permanent German-Dutch Boundary Water Commission celebrates anniversary, Sperm Whale Stranding in the Nort Sea, The first Lynx Path in Germany, Grünes Licht für Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetzes, Greenhouse gas emissions fall by 2.9 percent in 2011, EU renewable energy policy post-2020, Emissions trading: 9.4 percent lower CO2 emissions in 2009, Germany's first electricity generated by nuclear power, Third meeting of the World Biodiversity Council (IPBES), Germany first country to ratify IRENA's Statute, EU Commission closes German case on designation of special protection areas, Germany: Particulate matter concentrations also high in 2009, Bundeskabinett verabschiedet zentrale Energie-Vorhaben, Greenhouse gas emissions in 2008 at their lowest since 1990, Start des Pilotprojekt Bürgerleitung in Schleswig-Holstein, Urteile des Verwaltungsgerichtshofs Kassel zum Kernkraftwerk Biblis rechtskräftig, Third National Forest Inventory, Goldman prize 2011: Ursula Sladek, Commission refers Germany to the Court of Justice of the EU over failure to apply Directive on mobile air conditioning, Monopolkommission stellt Sondergutachten zur Wettbewerbssituation auf den Energiemärkten vor, Essen ist Grüne Hauptstadt Europas 2017, Germany: Hottest April in 120 Years, Swabian Alb and Bliesgau recognized as UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, Low-emission zones, Abschaltung des AKW Grafenrheinfeld, New York Climate Summit launches new initiatives to protect forests, Genetically modified corn ban in Germany, Kartendienst zur Luftqualität, Germany met its climate protection commitments under the Kyoto Protocol in 2008, Plant for the Planet: The millionth tree in Germany, Jjoint study by BMU, UBA and BDE: Climate protection potential of waste industry, Bundestag verabschiedet EEG-Reform, New initiative for investments in climate action, Erster Monitoring-Bericht Energie der Zukunft vorgestellt, Aufbauteam für das Kompetenzzentrum Naturschutz und Energiewende nimmt seine Arbeit auf, Fishing for Litter in Germany, Bundesverfassungsgericht verhandelt über den 2011 beschleunigten Atomausstieg in Deutschland, Auswärtiges Amt veröffentlicht " Who is who der Energiewende in Deutschland", Launch of a World Energy Outlook Special Report, Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map, Energiewende-Demonstration in Berlin, Sunniest spring ever recorded, Hundreds of thousands protest against nuclear energy, German Premiere of Jacques Perrin's "Oceans", Germany’s Beech Forests inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, Levels of particulate matter too high in Germany’s urban areas, WWF Study: Germany's Water Footprint, Germany August 2010 was the rainiest on record, Government Adopts Energy Concept, Greenpeace activists protested against the nuclear policy of the German government, Emissions trading: auctioning of allowances in Germany to be launched in 2010, European Commission warns Germany of continued air pollution breaches, Living Lake of the Year 2017 - Lake Steinhude, Germany has become the first country in the European Union (EU) to introduce a limit on uranium in drinking water, Schweizer stimmen in einem Referendum für Energiewende, The Federal Cabinet adopted a Copernicus strategy for Germany, 60 packs of wolves living across Germany, 23th UN Climate Conference (COP23 | CMP13), Federal Environment Agency publishes maps on nitrate pollution of rivers in Germany (Nitrate Reports 2008, 2012 and 2016 and EU Nitrate Directive (91/676/EEC)), Green belt Germany becomes national heritage of nature, German Packaging Act comes into force at the beginning of 2019