London Dumping Convention XL Label
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London Dumping Convention, Convention, Dumping, LondonSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
London Dumping Convention, Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Whaling Convention, Alpine Convention, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Helsinki Convention comes fully into force, OSPAR Convention, Framework Convention on Climate (UNFCC), World’s largest solar powered bridge in London, Erster umfassender Bericht zum globalen Zustand der Pflanzenwelt vorgestellt, State of the World's Plants report launched, Riesiger Eisbär führt Greenpeaces Marsch durch London an, World's largest polar bear leads Greenpeace march through London, Internationale Konferenz zur Bekämpfung des illegalen Wildtierhandels, International Conference to combat Illegal Wildlife Trade, Convention für the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS) 1972, Neue Initiative für Investitionen in Klimaschutz, New initiative for investments in climate action, Greenpeace Arktis-Protest: Greenpeace-Aktivistinnen klettern auf höchstes Bürogebäude in London, Greenpeace Arctic Protest: 6 Women Activists Climb London Shard, IEA-Klimareport "Neuentwurf der Energie-Klima-Landkarte", Launch of a World Energy Outlook Special Report, Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map