UW70 Umweltökonomie: Theorie, Grundlagen und allgemeine Fragen Collection
Alternative Labels
- UW70 Environmental economics: Theory, basic principles and generalquestions
- Agrarökonomie
- Altanlage
- Arbeitslosigkeit
- Berufsgruppe
- Betriebliches Abfallwirtschaftskonzept
- Betriebsanlage
- Bodenpreis
- Bürger-Contracting
- Destillationsindustrie
- EU Ecolabel
- EU internal market
- Effizienztechnologie
- Einzelhandel
- Erdölraffination
- Fischereizone
- Garten- und Landschaftsbau
- German Sustainability Code
- Grunderwerbsteuer
- Güterumschlag
- Industrieverband
- Klimaschutztechnik
- Kohlenstoffmarkt
- Kostenschätzung
- Landgrabbing
- Lebensstandard
- Marktwirtschaft
- Multiplikatoreffekt
- Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
- Nicht erneuerbare Ressource
- Nutzenanalyse
- Planwirtschaft
- Politische Ökonomie
- Pressemitteilung
- Privatwirtschaft
- Prosumerismus
- Qualitätsmanagementsystem
- Sanierungskosten
- Stadtökonomie
- Sägewerk
- Tarifsystem
- Technologiepolitik
- Trassenpreissystem
- Umsatzsteuer
- Umwelt-Kernindikatoren
- Umweltcontrolling
- Unternehmensform
- Verpackungsindustrie
- Versorgungsunternehmen
- Warenangebot
- Welthandelsorganisation
- Wirtschaftsgeographie
- Wirtschaftsraum
- Wirtschaftssystem
- Wohlstand
- Zementwerk
- [Economics, Finance]
- air freight traffic
- allocation
- balance
- benchmarking
- bioeconomy
- brownfield
- budgetary policy
- business
- chemical plant
- circular bioeconomy
- circular economy
- closing down
- collaborative consumption
- commerce
- commercial area
- competitiveness
- construction industry
- consumer behaviour
- consumer goods industry
- consumer product
- consumer protection
- costs
- customs duty
- degrowth
- digital product passport
- ecodesign
- ecolabelling
- economic aspects
- economic efficiency
- economic growth
- economic policy
- economic sector
- economic structure
- economic transformation
- economics
- economy
- electricity costs
- end-of-pipe technology
- energy management system
- energy-only market
- environmental management
- environmental management system
- environmental officer
- environmental technology
- environmentally friendly technology
- farming system
- financial economy
- financing
- freight transport
- hazardous incidents officer
- heavy goods vehicle
- industrial biotechnology
- industrial ecology
- industrial plant
- industrial production
- industrial research
- industrial waste
- industrialized country
- industry
- infrastructure policy
- innovation
- innovation policy
- integrated environmental protection technology
- investment
- land market
- life cycle costs
- lightweight construction
- market [use narrower terms]
- microeconomics
- natural capital
- obsolescence
- occupational hygiene
- occupational safety
- operating data
- planned obsolescence
- plant redevelopment
- plastics production
- price [use narrower terms]
- price development
- pricing
- private household
- privatisation
- process combination
- process engineering
- product labelling
- product lifetime
- production limitation
- production technology
- public budget
- public-private partnership
- remote work
- renewable resource
- resource economics
- rush-hour traffic
- shopping centre
- site selection
- small and medium-sized enterprises
- socio-economics
- steel market
- supply chain
- sustainability label
- technological progress
- trade restriction
- willingness to pay
- work
- working conditions
- workplace
- Öffentliche Finanzierung
- Öffentliche Güter
- Öffentliche Maßnahme
- Ökonomischer Gewinn
- Übriger Bergbau