Parliament backs EU-wide plans to stem the spread of invasive alien species Event
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- 2014-04-16
Am 16. April 2014 verabschiedete das Europäische Parlament Maßnahmen, um die Einschleppung invasiver gebietsfremder Arten von Pflanzen oder Insekten in die EU zu verhindern, oder den ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Schaden zu begrenzen, den sie verursachen. Die Gesetzesvorlage verbietet Arten "von EU-weiter Bedeutung" und fordert mehr und besser koordinierte Anstrengungen der Mitgliedstaaten zur Bekämpfung dieser Bedrohung.
Measures to stop invasive alien species of plants animals or insects getting into the EU, or limit the ecological and economic damage caused by those that do, were backed by European Parliament on 16 april 2014. The legislation bans species declared to be of “Union concern” and requires more and better-coordinated action by member states to tackle the threat. The legislation would require EU member states to ascertain the routes of introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS) and set up surveillance systems and action plans. Official checks at EU borders would also be stepped up. For widespread IAS, member states would have to draw up management plans.
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