Oil Slick in the Gulf of Mexico XL-Label
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Oil Slick in the Gulf of Mexico, Deepwater Horizon , Gulf of Mexico, incident, oil slickSchreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:
Deepwater Horizon oil spill, New Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Incident at French Penly-2 nuclear power plant, Greenpeace begins independent assessment of Gulf impacts with three-month ship tour, BOEMRE approves first deepwaterdrilling permit in Gulf of Mexico, Oil slick kills above 2000 penguins, French nuclear power plant shut down on Cooling Problems, TerraSAR-X-Bild des Monats: Auf den Spuren der Ölkatastrophe, TerraSAR-X image of the month: Tracking the catastrophic oil spill, Scientists Confirm Giant Underwater Oil Plumes in the Gulf of Mexico, Technip to lay the world’s deepest gas pipeline, for Shell in the Gulf of Mexico, A loss-of-coolant accident Krsko, Incident at Fessenheim Nuclear Power Plant (France), Reopens More of Gulf Waters to Royal Red Shrimping, Incident at the Forsmark nuclear power plant:, Deepwater Horizon spill: Much of the oil at bottom of the sea, ECURIE alert from Belgium about measures taken after releases of radioactive iodine