New Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico XL-Label
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New Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Baratavia Bay, Gulf of Mexico, Luisiana, leakSchreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:
Oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, Major oil leak in southern Brazil, Accident at Biblis nuclear power station, Rainbow Pipeline Incident, Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Oil Slick in the Gulf of Mexico, Greenpeace begins independent assessment of Gulf impacts with three-month ship tour, BOEMRE approves first deepwaterdrilling permit in Gulf of Mexico, TerraSAR-X image of the month: Tracking the catastrophic oil spill, Scientists Confirm Giant Underwater Oil Plumes in the Gulf of Mexico, Technip to lay the world’s deepest gas pipeline, for Shell in the Gulf of Mexico, Northwest China: Oil spill has polluted a tributary of the Yellow River, Jebel al-Zayt oil spill, Canadian nuclear power plant leak, Fukushima nuclear plant leaks radioactive water, Reopens More of Gulf Waters to Royal Red Shrimping, Deepwater Horizon spill: Much of the oil at bottom of the sea