Ministers approve EU ratification of Paris Agreement XL-Label
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Ministers approve EU ratification of Paris Agreement, Agreement, Brussels, EU, Environment Council in Brussels, European Union, Paris, Paris Agreement, extraordinary meeting, ratificationSchreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:
EU, EU, European conservation conference in Paris, Agreement on protecting the Antarctic, International Tropical Timber Agreement (ITTA), Richtlinie 96/61/EG des Rates über die integrierte Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung., EU Commission guideline 96/61/EEC on the integrated avoidance and reduction of pollution, Europäischer Gipfel in Paris, European summit in Paris, Bericht der EU über den Zustand der Umwelt, Bericht der EU über den Zustand der Umwelt, Year of the Environment, Fourth European Environmental Action programme, Bericht der EU über den Zustand der Umwelt, EU Report on the State of the Environment, Dobris-Bericht der EU, Dobris Report to the EU, European Union (EU), Paris schränkt Autoverkehr ein, Paris bans half of city's traffic, EU fördert Abholzung im Tropischen Regenwald, The EU’s complicity in illegal tropical deforestation, Celebrating 20 years of EU nature protection, Paris Agreement enters into force, Environment: New rules on illegal timber come into force across EU, Higher EU greenhouse gas emissions in 2010, EU and Indonesia sign deal to curb illegal timber, EU is breaching access to justice law, UN Committee finds, Beitritt der EU zu CITES, EU becomes a party to CITES, Germany deposits instrument of ratification, Windturbinen für den Eiffelturm, Eiffel Tower fitted with two wind turbines, Fiji becomes first country in the world to ratify Paris agreement, Eastern Europe countries reject IPCC target of zero emissions by 2100, China, U.S. hand over instruments of joining Paris Agreement to Ban Ki-moon, New EU support to reduce illegal killing of elephants and other endangered species in developing countries, Emissions trading: EU ETS emissions fall more than 11% in 2009, Agreement reached in Forest Lapland dispute, A new integrated EU policy for the Arctic adopted, EU Handelsverbot mit Robbenprodukte tritt in Kraft, EU ban on seal products trade goes into effect, Nuclear waste: Commission proposes safety standards for final disposal, Paris Agreement to enter into force as EU agrees ratification, Umweltausschuss stimmt CO2-Grenzen für leichte Nutzfahrzeuge zu, Environment Committee CO2 emissions: cleaner vans by 2020, EU decision on controversial oil sands postponed, Biosphere Conference in Paris, Internationaler Frachtverkehr vervierfacht sich bis 2050, International freight transport to quadruple by 2050, Paris verbannt luftverpestende Busse und Lkw ab Juli 2015, Paris to ban the most polluting diesel vehicles by July 2015, EU-gefördertes Projekt unterstützt Kartierung der Umweltverschmutzung, EU funded project helps to map pollution, Autofreier Sonntag in Paris, Car-free sunday in Paris, Launch of the European Fish Fight Campaign, EU stoppt Thunfischfang im Mittelmeer vorzeitig, European Environment Agency: EU shows leadership ahead of Paris with 23% emissions cut, Halbzeitbewertung der EU-Biodiversitätsstrategie veröffentlicht, BirdLife Europe releases the mid-term assessment of the EU Biodiversity strategy, SDG Watch Europe launch, EU-Projekt ECO2 unter der Leitung des IFM-GEOMAR gestartet, EU-project ECO2 led by IFM-GEOMAR started, Worst EU Lobbying Awards 2010, WHO: Review of Evidence on Health aspects of air pollution – REVIHAAP Projekt“, Commission announces new strategy to halt biodiversity loss within ten years, Ban on seal products in the EU, Bericht „Arktischer Fußabdruck und Politikbewertung der EU“ wurde veröffentlicht, European Union Action Plan for the Conservation and Management of Sharks, Erste Europäische Woche für nachhaltige Energie (EU Sustainable Energy Week - EUSEW), First EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), The General Court confirms the validity of the Regulation on the marketing of seal products, EU beschließt endgültiges Aus für klassische Glühbirnen, EU to phase out energy-guzzling light bulbs, Revision of "Eurovignette" Directive, Überschwemmungen in Frankreich, COP21 Klimamarsch in Paris nach Anschlägen abgesagt, COP21 climate marches in Paris not authorised following attacks, India to ratify Paris climate deal on Gandhi’s birthday, EU: Abfall-Statistik: Eine halbe Tonne kommunaler Abfälle pro Person in der EU27 im Jahr 2007, EU: Waste Statistics: Half a ton of municipal waste generated per person in the EU27 in 2007, Tierversuchsverbot für Kosmetika tritt EU-weit in Kraft, Animal testing ban come into force in the European Union, European Parliament approves stricter rules to save bluefin tuna, EU puts off glyphosate ruling, Neue Effizienzstandards für Computer, New energy efficiency requirements for computers, Eröffnung des Internationalen Jahres der Wasserkooperation 2013 in Paris, Launch of the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013, REACH: EU verbietet Cadmium in Schmuck, in Legierungen zum Löten und in PVC, Chemicals/REACH: EU to ban cadmium in jewellery, brazing sticks and all plastics, European Red List of Birds launch, Rat der EU beschließt Beschränkung von Phosphaten in Waschmitteln, A new regulation to restrict the phosphates in detergents by the Council, Fish Dependence Day 2016, EU 100-Watt-Glühbirnenverbot tritt in Kraft, Paris verhängt Fahrverbot, Paris car ban, The Council of the European Union adopted a decision to delay by one year implementation of the Emissions Trading Scheme for incoming and outgoing international flights., Neues EU-Logo für Bioprodukte, New logo for all EU organic products, EU endorses new OECD rules on export credits, Gebrauchsanweisung für klimaverträgliche Investitionen präsentiert, A manual for climate-friendly investments, EU-Umweltminister beschließen Verhandlungsmandat für Klimakonferenz der Vereinten Nationen, EU environment ministers prepare the EU position for the UN Climate Change Conference, EU-Umweltminister stimmen Ratifizierung des Klimaabkommens von Paris, EU and USA agree to strengthen cooperation to combat illegal fishing, New EU forest strategy, Full EU ban on animal testing for cosmetics enters into force, Europäische GHS-VO in Kraft getreten, EU-GHS entered into force, EU prepares the way for a quick ratification of Paris Agreement, Climate change: European Union notifies EU emission reduction targets following Copenhagen Accord, Monitoring the CO2 emissions from new passenger cars in the EU: data for the year 2008, Katholische Kirche appeliert an die Verhandlungsparteien der Klimakonferenz in Paris, Continental Church Appeal to COP 21 Negotiating Panel, EU countries will be allowed to tax plastic bags, Erstes globales Klimaschutzabkommen beschlossen, First global climate agreement adopted, 21. UN Klimakonferenz (COP 21 / CMP 11), 21th UN Climate Conference (COP21 | CMP11), Norway ratifies Paris Agreement, EU environment ministers oppose weakening of European nature conservation law, EU verschiebt die Entscheidung um die Verlängerung der Glyphosatzulassung, EU delays glyphosate decision, Länder einigen sich auf den Verhandlungstext für den Klimagipfel in Paris, Ccountries agreed on the negotiating text for the climate summit in Paris, Autohersteller müssen Schadstoff-Ausstoß künftig unter realen Bedingungen messen lassen, Klima- und Energiepaket der EU tritt in Kraft, EU climate and energy package enter into force, African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA), EU Umweltrat verabschiedet Stellungnahme zu endokrinen Disruptoren, The Environment Council adopts a statement on Endocrine disruptors, Das europäische Naturschutzrecht bleibt fit für die Zukunft, EU conservation legislation remains fit for the future, Essen officially becomes the European Green Capital for 2017, Rhino shot dead by poachers at French zoo , Nashorn in französischem Zoo gewildert, Protected areas increased in the European Union, European Commission adopts a new Action Plan to improve the protection of nature and biodiversity in the EU, UNESCO zeichnet acht neue Geoparks in Asien, Europa und Lateinamerika aus, Eight Geological sites in Asia, Europe and Latin America become UNESCO Global Geoparks, Germany has become the first country in the European Union (EU) to introduce a limit on uranium in drinking water, Minamata Convention on Mercury to enter into force, Biosphären-Konferenz in Paris, EU ergänzt Liste der invasiven Arten, New invasive alien species included to EU’s list, UN officially notified of US intention to withdraw from Paris climate pact , Tony de Brum dies, EU verlängert Zulassung von Glyphosat um weitere fünf Jahre, Emissionshandel: Rückgang des CO2-Ausstoßes in der EU um 11% im Jahr 2009