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Ban on seal products in the EU, EU, ban, seal, seal hunting, seal products

Schreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:

Greenpeace action against whaling, EU, EU, Richtlinie 96/61/EG des Rates über die integrierte Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung., EU Commission guideline 96/61/EEC on the integrated avoidance and reduction of pollution, Bericht der EU über den Zustand der Umwelt, Bericht der EU über den Zustand der Umwelt, Bericht der EU über den Zustand der Umwelt, EU Report on the State of the Environment, Dobris-Bericht der EU, Dobris Report to the EU, Paris bans half of city's traffic, EU fördert Abholzung im Tropischen Regenwald, The EU’s complicity in illegal tropical deforestation, Beitritt der EU zu CITES, EU becomes a party to CITES, Bahamas bans shark fishing, MEPs toughen EU ban on the sale of seal products, Emissions trading: EU ETS emissions fall more than 11% in 2009, New York City bans single-use styrofoam products, EU Handelsverbot mit Robbenprodukte tritt in Kraft, EU ban on seal products trade goes into effect, Umweltausschuss stimmt CO2-Grenzen für leichte Nutzfahrzeuge zu, Environment Committee CO2 emissions: cleaner vans by 2020, Fracking Bans Pass in Denton, Texas, European Commission proposes full ban on driftnets, Fracking ban upheld by French constitutional court, Ban on plastic bags at L.A. markets is approved, California Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags, Paris to ban the most polluting diesel vehicles by July 2015, Significant conservation victory for the Great Barrier Reef, French shop window lighting ban, EU-gefördertes Projekt unterstützt Kartierung der Umweltverschmutzung, EU funded project helps to map pollution, EU stoppt Thunfischfang im Mittelmeer vorzeitig, Antarctic fuel oil ban enters into force, EU bans fish imports from Belize, Cambodia, and Guinea, Ferries banned from dumping toilet waste in Baltic Sea, Halbzeitbewertung der EU-Biodiversitätsstrategie veröffentlicht, BirdLife Europe releases the mid-term assessment of the EU Biodiversity strategy, EU-Projekt ECO2 unter der Leitung des IFM-GEOMAR gestartet, EU-project ECO2 led by IFM-GEOMAR started, 2011: Canada increases seal hunt quota, Mexico bans gillnets, European Union seal ban takes effect, Genetically modified corn ban was justified, Bericht „Arktischer Fußabdruck und Politikbewertung der EU“ wurde veröffentlicht, Erste Europäische Woche für nachhaltige Energie (EU Sustainable Energy Week - EUSEW), First EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), The General Court confirms the validity of the Regulation on the marketing of seal products, New York to ban fracking due to health risks, EU beschließt endgültiges Aus für klassische Glühbirnen, EU to phase out energy-guzzling light bulbs, EU: Abfall-Statistik: Eine halbe Tonne kommunaler Abfälle pro Person in der EU27 im Jahr 2007, EU: Waste Statistics: Half a ton of municipal waste generated per person in the EU27 in 2007, Tierversuchsverbot für Kosmetika tritt EU-weit in Kraft, Animal testing ban come into force in the European Union, Marine Species of the Month - October 2010, Neue Effizienzstandards für Computer, New energy efficiency requirements for computers, REACH: EU verbietet Cadmium in Schmuck, in Legierungen zum Löten und in PVC, Chemicals/REACH: EU to ban cadmium in jewellery, brazing sticks and all plastics, Rat der EU beschließt Beschränkung von Phosphaten in Waschmitteln, A new regulation to restrict the phosphates in detergents by the Council, EU 100-Watt-Glühbirnenverbot tritt in Kraft, EU 100 watt light bulbs ban comes into force, Neues EU-Logo für Bioprodukte, New logo for all EU organic products, Ministers approve EU ratification of Paris Agreement, President Obama bans oil drilling in large areas of Atlantic and Arctic oceans, Europäische GHS-VO in Kraft getreten, EU-GHS entered into force, Genetically modified corn ban in Germany, Monitoring the CO2 emissions from new passenger cars in the EU: data for the year 2008, EU countries will be allowed to tax plastic bags, EU verschiebt die Entscheidung um die Verlängerung der Glyphosatzulassung, EU delays glyphosate decision, Autohersteller müssen Schadstoff-Ausstoß künftig unter realen Bedingungen messen lassen, Klima- und Energiepaket der EU tritt in Kraft, EU climate and energy package enter into force, EU votes for non-renewal of three herbicides, EU Umweltrat verabschiedet Stellungnahme zu endokrinen Disruptoren, The Environment Council adopts a statement on Endocrine disruptors, European Parliament ban deep-sea fishing below 800 meters, Das europäische Naturschutzrecht bleibt fit für die Zukunft, EU conservation legislation remains fit for the future, European Citizens Launch Initiative to Ban Glyphosate, European Commission adopts a new Action Plan to improve the protection of nature and biodiversity in the EU, Germany has become the first country in the European Union (EU) to introduce a limit on uranium in drinking water, EU Parliament votes to ban pesticides from ecological focus areas, EU ergänzt Liste der invasiven Arten, New invasive alien species included to EU’s list, Mexico bans gill nets to save endangered vaquita porpoise, Kenya plastic bag ban comes into force, European Commission proposes a ban on Baltic Eel Fisheries, European Commission proposes a ban on Baltic Eel Fisheries, EU verlängert Zulassung von Glyphosat um weitere fünf Jahre, Emissionshandel: Rückgang des CO2-Ausstoßes in der EU um 11% im Jahr 2009