citizen Label
... Actually, this word is decidedly less common in English than in some other languages and, in native texts, it is nearly always used to mean ‘a legally recognized subject or national of a state'. The emphasis is very much on nationality, so, for example, if we say that ‘steps have been taken to help citizens get back to work’, we imply that non-citizens (of which there are a large number in the EU) are not expected to benefit. ... (Misused English words and expressions in EU publications' WWW20170109
DefGEMET: A native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance, bears responsibilities and obtains rights, including protection, from the government. (Source: RHW)
Part of speech
Noun (male)Base form
citizen, citizens, citizens'Preferred Label of
Alternative Label of
BK-Label of
Compound from
Usage Notes
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