[knowledge, science, research, acquisition of information] Concept
[Wissen, Wissenschaft, Forschung, Informationsgewinnung] (dt.)
Broader terms
Top Term
Narrower terms
- analysis [use narrower terms]
- Biobank
- comparison [use narrower terms]
- Competence Centre on Climate Impacts and Adaptation
- data collection
- database
- digital technologies
- Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit
- empirical study
- Entscheidungsprozess
- environmental sample
- evaluation [use narrower terms]
- experimental facility
- expert opinion
- Fachmesse
- field trial
- indicator
- Informationsgewinnung
- Informationsmanagement
- Laboruntersuchung
- living lab
- mathematical method
- measurement result [use narrower terms]
- model
- pilot project
- remote sensing
- research
- research cooperation
- research institution
- research programme
- sampling
- science [use narrower terms]
- sociology
- statistics
- technological progress
- test [use narrower terms]