environmental law Label
DefGEMET: A wide spectrum of options from binding 'hard' laws, such as international treaties and national legislation, to 'soft' laws, covering guiding principles, recommended practices and procedures, and standards. Environmental law also attempts to reconcile international considerations with concerns that focus on very specific problems such as soil degradation, marine pollution or the depletion of non-renewable resources. (Source: WRIGHT)
Part of speech
Noun (male)Base form
environmental lawInflectionals
environmental law, environmental lawsCompound from
Compound in
Usage Notes
Editorial notes
Text Analysis
Benennung mit TextanalysefunktionÜbersetzungsstatus
Übersetzung geprüftSource Note
Change Notes
Initial version
foba on 2007-02-11
Last change
Barbara Fock on 2020-02-12