natural resources Label
DefGEMET: A feature or component of the natural environment that is of value in serving human needs, e.g. soil, water, plantlife, wildlife, etc. Some natural resources have an economic value (e.g. timber) while others have a 'noneconomic' value (e.g. scenic beauty). (Source: UNUN)
Part of speech
Plural formBase form
natural resourceInflectionals
natural resource, natural resourcesCompound from
Compound in
- careful handling of natural resources
- conservation of natural resources
- consumption of natural resources
- degradation of natural resources
- earth's natural resources
- efficient use of natural resources
- management of natural resources
- mining of natural resources
- natural resource depletion
- natural resources awareness
- overuse of natural resources
- preservation of natural resources
- preserving natural resources
- programme for the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources
- protection of natural resources
- saving natural resources
- sustainable exploitation of natural resources
- sustainable use of natural resources
- sustainable utilization of natural resources
- utilization of natural resources
Usage Notes
Editorial notes
Text Analysis
Benennung mit TextanalysefunktionÜbersetzungsstatus
Übersetzung geprüftSource Note
Change Notes
Initial version
fo on 2007-02-11
Last change
Barbara Fock on 2017-01-18