LF30 Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei, Nahrungsmittel: Methoden der Informationsgewinnung - Analyse, Datensammlung Collection
Alternative Labels
- LF30 Environmental aspects of agriculture and forestry, fishery, food: Methods for analysis, data recover
- Agriculture Report
- Baumbiomasse
- Biochemische Untersuchung
- Blattanalyse
- Bodenkohlenstoffgehalt
- Dendrochronologie
- Dendrometrie
- Economic Accounts for Forestry
- Fischereistatistik
- Flächenertrag
- Forstliche Standortskartierung
- German National Forest Inventory
- Großvieheinheit
- Keimfähigkeit
- Landwirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung
- National Residue Control Plan
- Rückstandsanalyse
- Stickstoffbilanz
- Viehbesatz
- agricultural monitoring
- agricultural productivity
- agricultural statistics
- climate impact monitoring
- fertilizer consumption
- field trial
- fishing effort
- fishing mortality rate
- food control
- forest accounting
- forest biotope mapping
- forest condition
- forest condition report
- forest condition survey
- forest fire risk map
- forest inventory
- forest monitoring
- inventory of forest damage
- leaf area index
- nitrogen efficiency
- observation plot
- permanent monitoring plot
- plant compatibility
- timber stock