nuclear Label
Part of speech
AdjectiveBase form
nuclearPreferred Label of
Alternative Label of
BK-Label of
Compound from
Compound in
- Convention on Nuclear Safety
- Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy
- Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
- Fukushima nuclear accident
- Fukushima nuclear disaster
- Nuclear Financial Security Ordinance
- Nuclear Safety Officer and Reporting Ordinance
- Ordinance on the Nuclear Safety Officer and the Reporting of Accidents and other Events
- Paris Convention on Nuclear Liability
- Tschernobyl nuclear fusion accident
- containment [nuclear industry]
- disposal from a nuclear power plant
- electricity generated by nuclear power plants
- final repository for spent nuclear fuel
- fission of nuclear fuels
- highly radioactive nuclear waste
- liability for nuclear damages
- nuclear chemistry
- nuclear disaster
- nuclear electricity generation
- nuclear electricity production
- nuclear energy court
- nuclear energy legislation
- nuclear energy liability
- nuclear energy phase-out
- nuclear energy use
- nuclear engineering
- nuclear explosion [accident]
- nuclear fission
- nuclear fuel production facility
- nuclear fusion
- nuclear industry
- nuclear isomer
- nuclear isomerism
- nuclear law
- nuclear legislation
- nuclear liability
- nuclear licensing procedure
- nuclear physics
- nuclear power phase-out
- nuclear power plant accident
- nuclear power plant decommissioning
- nuclear power plant disposal
- nuclear power plant operation waste disposal
- nuclear power station
- nuclear technique
- nuclear waste repository
- nuclear waste storage
- phasing out of nuclear energy
- running time of nuclear power plants
- shutdown of nuclear power plants
Usage Notes
Editorial notes
Text Analysis
Benennung ohne TextanalysefunktionÜbersetzungsstatus
Übersetzung geprüftSource Notes
Change Notes
Initial version
foba on 2006-08-25
Last change
foba on 2015-11-19