into Label
Part of speech
Noun (male)Base form
intoPreferred Label of
Alternative Label of
BK-Label of
Compound from
Compound in
- Administrative Regulation on the Classification of Substances hazardous to waters into Water Hazard Classes
- Directive on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants
- General Administrative Regulation on the Classification of Substances Hazardous to Waters into Hazard Classes
- Ordinance on Requirements for the Discharge of Waste Water into Waters
- classification into water hazard classes
- compensation for electricity fed into the grid
Usage Notes
Editorial notes
Text Analysis
Benennung mit TextanalysefunktionÜbersetzungsstatus
Übersetzung geprüftSource Notes
Change Notes
Initial version
on 2006-08-25
Last change
on 2006-08-25