introduction Label
Part of speech
Noun (male)Base form
introduction, introductionsPreferred Label of
Alternative Label of
BK-Label of
Compound from
Compound in
- Act on the Introduction of Distance-Related Charges for the Use of Federal Motorways by Heavy Goods Vehicles
- Act on the introduction of project-based mechanisms in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, the implementation of Directive 2004/101/EC and the amendment of the Heat-Power Cogeneration Act
- EU Regulation on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species
- introduction of animal species
- introduction of plant species
- introduction of species
Usage Notes
Editorial notes
Text Analysis
Benennung mit TextanalysefunktionÜbersetzungsstatus
Übersetzung geprüftSource Notes
Change Notes
Initial version
foba on 1994-03-08
Last change
foba on 2015-09-24