Negotiating Text Officially Published Event
- time of event
- 2015-02-26
On 26 February 2015, the negotiating text for the Paris Climate Agreement was officially issued by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The text was agreed at the UN Climate Change Conference in Geneva earlier this month, and covers the substantive content of the new agreement including mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology, capacity building, and transparency of action and support.
Am 26. Februar 2015 veröffentlichte das UN-Klimasekretariat den Verhandlungstext der Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) für den Weltklimavertrag, der das Kyoto-Protokoll ablösen soll. Der 90-Seiten umfassene Entwurf war auf der Sitzung in Genf in der ersten Februarhälfte 2015 beschlossen worden.
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