Israel: New spider species discovered Event
- time of event
- 2010-01-11
Israelische Forscher haben eine neue Art einer Riesenspinne entdeckt. Die Spinnenart hat eine Beinspanne von 14 Zentimetern und lebe in den Sanddünen der Arava-Gegend im Süden Israels. Die neue Art erhielt den Namen Cerbalus aravensis. Sie ist die größte Spinne der Gattung Cerbalus im Nahen Osten.
A new and previously unknown species of spider has been discovered in the dune of the Sands of Samar in the southern Arava region by a team of scientists from the Department of Biology in the University of Haifa-Oranim. Since it has been found in the Arava, it has been given the name Cerbalus aravensis. The researchers say that this spider’s leg-span can reach up to 14 cm, which makes it the largest spider of its type in the Middle East.
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