NOAA’s GOES-R satellite heads to orbit Event
- time of event
- 2016-11-19
Am 19. November 2016 starteten die USA in Cape Canaveral den neuen Wettersatelliten GOES-R ("Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite – R Series"). "GOES-R" wird bei seinen Erdumkreisungen in der Lage sein, Hurrikane und schwere Schneestürme mit größerer Auflösung zu sehen als jeder andere Satellit seiner Art vor ihm.
On 19 November 2016, GOES-R, the first of NOAA’s highly advanced geostationary weather satellites, lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida. GOES-R will scan the skies five times faster than today’s GOES spacecraft, with four times greater image resolution and three times the spectral channels. It will provide high-resolution, rapid-refresh satellite imagery as often as every 30 seconds, allowing for a more detailed look at a storm to determine whether it is growing or decaying.
GOES-R data will help improve hurricane tracking and intensity forecasts, the prediction and warnings of severe weather, including tornadoes and thunderstorms. Additionally, GOES-R’s improved rainfall estimates will lead to more timely and accurate flood warnings.
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