
time of event



In einer stillgelegten Einheit des Kernkraftwerks Three Mile Island bei Harrisburg/Pennsylvania kam es bei Wartungsarbeiten am 21. November 2009 zum Austritt von Radioaktivität. 150 Angestellte wurden nach Hause geschickt. Eine Gefahr für Gesundheit und Umwelt bestand laut Betreiber nicht. Der Strahlenunfall sei durch das Ventilatorensystem der Anlage verursacht worden.


Londonderry Township, Pa. (Nov. 21, 2009) About 150 employees working inside the shutdown
Three Mile Island Unit 1 containment building were sent home about 4:00 p.m. EST Saturday after an airborne radiological contamination alarm inside the reactor building sounded. The unit has been shut down since Oct. 26 for refueling, maintenance and steam generator replacement.
No contamination was found outside of the containment building. Radiological surveys showed
that the contamination was confined to surfaces inside the containment building. The event posed no threat to public health and safety.

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