Brazil creates five new protected areas in the Amazon Event
- time of event
- 2016-05-12
Die brasilianische Präsidentin Dilma Rousseff wies am 12. Mai 2016 kurz vor ihrer Suspendierung fünf neue Schutzgebiete aus. Die Gebiete liegen im Amazonasgebiet und haben eine Gesamtgröße von 2,69 Millionen Hektar. Die Umweltorganisation WWF bewertete diesen Akt der Präsidentin als wichtigen Beitrag zum Schutz des größten Regenwaldes der Erde.
On 12 May 2016, the Brazilian Government announced the creation of five new protected areas in the State of Amazonas. These lands together stand for 2.69 million hectares. All of these areas are located in the Madeira River basin , in the southern Amazon. They were established due from studies funded by the Amazon Protected Areas Program (ARPA) – a Brazilian government initiative supported technically and financially by WWF for more than a decade. The Conservation Director of WWF-Brazil, Mário Barroso, celebrated the creation of the new areas. “Creating protected areas is one of the most effective strategies to protect and promote the conservation of biodiversity. So, we welcome the action of the Brazilian Government and found this decision very interesting and important”, he said.
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