U.S. Senat Approves Keystone XL Pipeline Event
- time of event
- 2015-01-29
Am 29. Januar 2015 stimmt der US-Senat dem Bau der Keystone-XL-Pipeline zu. Bei der Abstimmung verfehlten die Befürworter mit 62 zu 36 Stimmen allerdings eine Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit.US-Präsident Obama kann mit seinem bereits angekündigten Veto das Projekt stoppen.
On 29 January 2015 the U.S. Senate voted for the first time to force U.S. approval of the controversial Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Proposed by TransCanada, the pipeline would carry diluted bitumen from the Alberta tar sands to TransCanada’s existing pipeline in Nebraska for transfer to refineries on the Gulf Coast. President Barack Obama has said he will veto the legislation when it reaches his desk. The measure passed 62 to 36, which means there are not enough votes in the Senate to override his veto.
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