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Um Sägerochen vor dem Aussterben zu retten, hat die Hai-Spezialisten-Gruppe (Shark specialist group SSG) des IUCN am 5. Juni 2014 eine globale Strategie zur Rettung und Wiederherstellung der Sägerochenbestände eingeleitet. Die Strategie wurde auf der Internationalen Hai-Konferenz in Durban ins Leben gerufen.


On 5 June 2014, the Shark Specialist Group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released a global strategy to prevent extinction and promote recovery of sawfishes, which have been devastated worldwide by overfishing and habitat loss. The strategy is being launched at the Sharks International conference in Durban and coincides with announcements that two West Africa countries -- Guinea and Guinea Bissau -- are proposing the listing of sawfishes under the Convention on Migratory Species in November, which could significantly boost protections.

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