Launch of Green Industry Platform Event
- time of event
- 2012-06-16
Am 16. Juni 2012 riefen Vertreter internationaler Organisationen, Unternehmens- und Regierungsvertreter verschiedener Länder in Rio de Janeiro die Plattform der Grünen Industrie (Green Industry Platform) ins Leben. Die Plattform ist ein loses Bündnis, das Regierungen, Unternehmen und Zivilgesellschaft weltweit zusammenbringen soll, um die "grüne Wirtschaft" voranzubringen. Sie soll öffentliche und private Initiativen für mehr Nachhaltigkeit stärker verknüpfen. Die Führung der Plattform übernimmt die Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Industrielle Entwicklung (UNIDO).
On 16 June 2012, Global Environment Facility CEO and Chairperson Monique Barbut joined other high-level dignitaries to mark the official launch of the Green Industry Platform, an initiative to mobilize action for the "Green Industry Agenda," which aims to promote green manufacturing and create green industries. In an address at the event, she expressed concern that the work accomplished by international institutions, organizations and countries does not suffice in an era where stronger ties between private and public sectors must be established for the successful development of sustainable environment initiatives. Spearheaded by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the "Green Industry Platform" is a global high-level multi-stakeholder partnership intended to act as a forum for catalyzing, mobilizing and mainstreaming action on green industry around the world. It serves as a channel which brings together governmental, business and civil society leaders.