The EU Arctic Footprint and Policy Assessment report was published Event
- time of event
- 2010-11-18
Die Vize-Präsidentin des EU-Parlaments, Diana Wallis, stellte am 18. November 2010 den Bericht „Arktischer Fußabdruck und Politikbewertung der EU“ vor. Der Bericht ist ein Teil der angestrebten „umfassenden Politikstrategie“ für die Arktis, die 2009 vom Rat angestoßen wurde.
On 18 November 2010 the Vice President of the European Parliament, Diana Wallis, introduced a new report, the EU Arctic Footprint and Policy Assessment, in Brussels. The EU Arctic Footprint and Policy Assessment is another step towards a comprehensive EU policy strategy for addressing challenges in the Arctic. In 2009, the EU Council adopted the “Council conclusions on Arctic issues”, emphasising the need for gradual formulation of a policy on Arctic issues to address EU interests and responsibilities in the region.
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