
time of event



Im Rahmen eines von der EU-Kommission geförderten Projekts bewerteten 198 Experten den Erhaltungszustand europäischer Wildpflanzenarten. Aus der am 25. November 2011 veröffentlichten Roten Liste geht hervor, dass von den 1826 nach IUCN-Kriterien klassifizierten Wildpflanzenarten 467 Arten in ihrem Bestand bedroht sind.


On 25 November 2011, the European Red List of Vascular Plants was published by the European Commission. This first assessment of Europe’s Vascular Plants has assessed 1,826 species. The assessment comprises three groups: plants included in European and international
policy instruments, selected priority crop wild relatives,
and aquatic plant species present in Europe. The assessment
shows us that at least 467 species are threatened. The publication was prepared by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).

Assigned collections
