Gas leak incident at Elgin platform in the North Sea Event
- Beginning
- 2012-03-25
- Ende
- 2012-05-16
Am 25. März 2012 gab der Energiekonzern Total bekannt, dass an der Förderplattform Elgin, die etwa 240 Kilometer östlich der schottischen Hafenstadt Aberdeen in der Nordsee liegt, ein Leck aufgetreten ist. Erst am 16. Mai 2012 gelang es den unkontrollierten Gasaustritt zu stoppen. Nach Angaben des Betreibers strömten in den ersten Wochen täglich 200000 Kubikmeter Gas - überwiegend Methan- aus dem Leck ins Freie.
On 25 March 2012, Total reported that a gas leak occurred following an operation on well G4 on the wellhead platform at the Elgin gas field which is located in the UK North Sea approximately 240 km east of Aberdeen. On May 16, Total announced that the leak was stopped after a well intervention operation, which involved pumping heavy mud into the leaking well. From an estimated initial gas flow rate of around 2 kg/second, the leak had progressively decreased to an estimated 0.5 kg/s.
Assigned collections
- UMTHESWhat Happened
- UMTHESWhat Happened