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Die UN-Generalversammlung hat am 20.12. 2010 der Gründung des Weltbiodiversitätsrat (IPBES) formal zugestimmt. In Anlehnung an den Weltklimarat IPPC existiert nun das neue Gutachtergremium zur Biologischen Vielfalt unter dem Dach der Vereinten Nationen.
Die Gründung des Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, kurz IPBES, war bereits im Juni auf einer Konferenz des UN-Umweltprogramms UNEP in Pusan in Südkorea beschlossen worden.


A new international body aimed at catalyzing a global response to the loss of biodiversity and world's economically-important forests, coral reefs and other ecosystems was born on 21 December 2010 by governments at the United Nations 65th General Assembly (UNGA). The adoption, by the UNGA plenary, was the last approval needed for setting up an Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Governments gave a green light to its establishment in June at a meeting in Busan, Republic of Korea, coordinated by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), but this required a resolution to be passed at the UNGA.

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