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Am 16. August 2017 wurde der bekannteste Elefantenschützer Tansanias Wayne Lotter in Dar es Salaam erschossen. Der Südafrikaner war 2016 durch den Dokumentarfilm: „Das Elfenbein-Komplott“ berühmt geworden. Lotter war Mitbegründer und Chef der Organisation PAMS Foundation. PAMS Foundation unterstützt seit 2009 Regierungen und Dorfgemeinschaften beim Kampf gegen Elefantenwilderei. Die Organisation unterstützt und finanziert die National and Transnational Serious Crimes Investigation Unit (NTSCIU) sowie die nationale Naturschutzbehörde in Tansania. Lotter hatte in den vergangenen Wochen zahlreiche Todesdrohungen erhalten. Er wurde auf dem Weg vom Flughafen ins Hotel im Taxi erschossen.


On 16 August 2017, Wayne Lotter, 51, was shot and killed by an unknown gunman in the Masaki district of the city of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Lotter was a director and co-founder of the PAMS Foundation, an NGO that provides conservation and anti-poaching support to communities and governments in Africa. Since starting the organisation in Tanzania in 2009, he had received numerous death threats relating to his work. The PAMS Foundation funded and supported Tanzania’s elite anti-poaching National and Transnational Serious Crimes Investigation Unit (NTSCIU) which was responsible for arrests of major ivory traffickers including Yang Feng Glan, the so-called “Queen of Ivory” and several other notorious elephant poachers. Since 2012, the unit has arrested more than 2,000 poachers and ivory traffickers and has a conviction rate of 80%. The NTSCIU was recently featured in the Netflix documentary The Ivory Game. In a previous interview, Lotter said he believed its work had helped to reduce poaching rates in Tanzania by at least 50%. Lotter rarely took credit for PAMS’ success in helping reduce poaching rates in Tanzania, and was always quick to credit the work of the communities and agencies he worked with. Lotter was a big figure in the international conservation community, having served on the boards of several conservation groups and was the Vice President of the International Ranger Federation.

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