



In der Karibik können sich künftig auch einkommensschwache Bevölkerungsschichten gegen wetterbedingte Katastrophen versichern. Das Bundesumweltministerium unterstützt das Projekt "Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean" ("Anpassung und Versicherung gegen Klimarisiken in der Karibik"), das Kleinbauern und Tagelöhner davor schützen soll, durch Hurrikane oder Überschwemmungen ihre Existenzgrundlage zu verlieren. Erste Versicherungspolicen wurden am 29. Mai 2013 in Castries, der Hauptstadt der Karibikinsel St. Lucia, übergeben.


In the Caribbean, low-income sections of the population will also be able to obtain insurance against weather-related disasters in future. The project “Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean”, which is supported by the Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) through its International Climate Initiative, is developing an innovative insurance product. On 29 May 2013, the first insurance policies were handed over to policy holders in Castries, the capital of the Caribbean island St. Lucia, to mark the market launch of the livelihood protection policy (LPP). These policies contribute to securing livelihoods by offering insurance against the negative impacts of climate change to broad sections of the population.

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