Fourth International polar Day Land and Life XL-Label
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Fourth International polar Day Land and Life, International Polar Day, International Polar Year, Land and Life, permafrostSchreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:
Study measures methane release from permafrost, An international team of researchers gains new insights into arctic permafrost, The first global permafrost database goes online, First UNEP Permafrost Report, International Polar Year 2007/2008, Antarctic deep sea gets colder, Sechster Internationaler Polartag - Über den Polen, Sixth International Polar Day - Above The Poles, Scientists regenerate a plant – 30,000 years later, Global permafrost zones in high-resolution images on Google Earth, First International Polar Day Sea Ice, Second International Polar Day Ice Sheets, Third International Polar Day Changing Earth, Fith International Polar Day - People