

Alternative Label of



Oil Leaking from Sunken Vessel Nikolay Bauman Threatens Danube Delta, Black Sea, Danube delta, Nikolay Bauman, Ukraine, disaster, oil pollution, vessel

Same spelling in use by the following Labels:

Ferry disaster in the North Sea, Spanish nature reserve contaminated after environmental disaster, AKWs in der Ukraine, Nuclear power stations in the Ukraine., Massive fire in Spanish tire dump, Peru declares oil contamination emergency in Amazon region, IPCC releases full special report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Weather Events, Brazil prosecutors file $44 billion lawsuit against Vale, BHP for dam spill, UNISDR report The Human Cost of Weather Related Disasters, Greenpeace warnt vor Atomkatastrophe in der Ukraine, Oil spills into Black Sea near Russian port after pipeline leak, Ausgelaufenes Öl des gesunkenen Frachters Nikolay Baumann bedroht Donau -Delta, State of emergency for Galapagos Islands after ship runs aground, Internationale Geberkonferenz in Kiew für Tschernobyl, Kiev hosts international conference on 25th anniversary of Chernobyl tragedy, TerraSAR-X image of the month: Tracking the catastrophic oil spill, Tanker ran aground in the Straits of Magellan, Brazil oil spill, Ukraine will das Gebiet um Tschernobyl 2011 als Touristenziel öffnen, Ukraine to open Chernobyl area to tourists in 2011, Jebel al-Zayt oil spill, The Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction launched in Bharain, Container with toxic chemicals fell off Finnish ship near Swedish coast, Dach des Atomkraftwerkes Tschernobyl eingestürzt, Roof collapses at Chernobyl nuclear plant, Fertigstellung der neuen Schutzhülle für das Atomkraftkraftwerk Tschernobyl , A new cover for the Chernobyl sarcophagus, MS Caledonian Sky rams coral reef in Indonesian waters, Reaktorunglück Tschernobyl