Council adopts new legislation against ship-source pollution XL Label
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Council adopts new legislation against ship-source pollution, Meeresverschmutzung, directive, marine pollution, pollution by ships, ship-source pollutionSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
MEPs clamp down on wasteful use of plastic carrier bags, New directive on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations, Parliament backs EU-wide plans to stem the spread of invasive alien species, Significant conservation victory for the Great Barrier Reef, Revised European radiation protection directive adopted, IPPC Directive enter in force, Directive on Environmental Noise, Environment Council adopts REACH, Biologen erstellen Leitfaden für eine genauere Untersuchung der Meeresverschmutzung durch Mikroplastikpartikel, Biologists prepare guidelines for a more precise investigation into marine pollution from microplastic particles, Kommerzielle Düngung der Meere verboten - Erstmals rechtlich verbindliche Vorschriften verabschiedet, Commercial fertilization of oceans banned - First-ever legally binding regulations adopted, The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive enter into force