Sweden lifts ban on nuclear power XL Label
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Sweden lifts ban on nuclear power, Sweden, nuclear powerSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
EU to support development of electric vehicle transport roads in Europe, Greenpeace report: Lessons from Fukushima, The launch ceremony for the Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear power station, Greenpeace activists occupy France’s Fessenheim nuclear power plant, Japanese court orders shutdown of two nuclear reactors, Sweden introduces climate labelling for food, Stockholm: European Green Capital 2010, German Government plans total nuclear shutdown by 2022, Japan restarts third nuclear reactor, Swiss lawmakers have approved a government-backed proposal to phase out the use of nuclear power, Fukushima cooling systems hit by power cut, World's oldest living tree discovered in Sweden, FORSA survey: majority oppose nuclear power, Collision between bulk carrier and container vessel, Moratorium on nuclear power ends, Greenpeace protests Europe's ageing nuclear plants, Greenpeace drops rocks off Sweden's coast, 120 Kilometer lange Menschenkette gegen Atomkraft, First European Citizens Initiative against nuclear power, Switzerland to phase out nuclear power, World's first eHighway opens in Sweden, Greenpeace Energy takes action against state aid for nuclear power, USA planen Neubau von Atomkraftwerken, Anti-nuclear protesters demonstrate in Berlin, Japan restarts first nuclear reactor since Fukushima disaster, Incident at the Forsmark nuclear power plant:, Workers exposed to low-dose radiation face increased leukemia mortality risk, Tanker Othello collides with another ship, Sweden passes climate law to be carbon neutral by 2045