First oil from the offshore Arctic XL-Label
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First oil from the offshore Arctic, Artic Ocean, Gazprom, Prirazlomnaya oil platform, offshore platform, oilSchreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:
Oil spillage off Sumatra, Oil spillage off the Welsh coast, Major oil leak in southern Brazil, Kalecik oil disaster, Oil spill in Gulf of thailand, EPA fines Shell for Clean Air Act permit violations during offshore oil exploration in Alaska, Public eye Awards 2014, Public eye Awards 2014, Oil spill off the coast of the Philippines, Australia's beaches were declared a disaster zone, Greenpeace activists arrested during Russian Arctic oil protest, Tanker ran aground in the Straits of Magellan, New German-Russian research project starts with the first expeditions to the Arctic Ocean, Greenpeace-Protest an Gazprom-Plattform, Greenpeace Activists block drilling rig, Putin kündigt erste Lieferung von Gazprom-Bohrinsel an, Oil tanker spills oil in the Kerch Strait, Deepwater Horizon spill: Much of the oil at bottom of the sea, President Obama bans oil drilling in large areas of Atlantic and Arctic oceans