First chamber of Asse mine being drilled into XL-Label
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First chamber of Asse mine being drilled into, Asse, decommissioning, drilling, exploration drilling, radioactive wasteSchreibweisen werden auch in folgenden Labels verwendet:
Verabschiedung der Richtlinie über radioaktive Abfälle, Nuclear waste: Commission proposes safety standards for final disposal, Mehr Plutonium in der Asse als bislang angenommen, Asse nuclear waste disposal site contains more plutonium than reported, EPA fines Shell for Clean Air Act permit violations during offshore oil exploration in Alaska, Start von Probebohrungen in der Asse, ConocoPhillips Suspends Its Arctic Drilling Plans, BfS Presents Result of Comparison of Options for Decommissioning Asse, Neuer Inventar-Bericht zu Abfällen in der Asse vorgelegt, Asse: Lösungszutritt erhöht, Asse: Increased inflow of saline solution, Erneut radioaktive Lauge in der Asse entdeckt, Radioactive brine has been found at the salt-mine nuclear waste storage facility in Asse, Kabinett beschließt Lex Asse, Japanese premier orders last Fukushima reactors decommissioned, BMU commissions GRS with preliminary safety analysis for Gorleben, President Obama bans oil drilling in large areas of Atlantic and Arctic oceans, BP and Total set to drill for oil near newly discovered Amazon Reef