Soil Atlas 2015 : Facts and figures about earth, land and fields XL Label
enPreferred Label of
Alternative Label of
Soil Atlas 2015 : Facts and figures about earth, land and fields, Friends of the Earth Germany, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, IASS, International Years of Soils, Le Monde Diplomatique, Soil Atlas 2015, soil protection, soilsSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
Avenue of the year 2012, Kohleatlas vorgestellt, Bodenatlas 2015: Daten und Fakten über Acker, Land und Erde, Avenue of the Year 2011, Avenue of the Year 2015, Potsdamer Instituts für Klimawandel, Erdsystem und Nachhaltigkeit, Institute for Advanced Studies Climate, Earth System and Sustainability Sciences ( IASS) in Potsdam, International Year of Soils, Avenue of the Year 2014, Avenue of the year 2013, European Commission publish guidelines to limit soil sealing, Soil of the Year 2017 is the Hortisol