


DefGEMET: A vegetation community dominated by trees and other woody shrubs, growing close enough together that the tree tops touch or overlap, creating various degrees of shade on the forest floor. It may produce benefits such as timber, recreation, wildlife habitat, etc. (Source: DUNSTE)

The following definitions, which were used by IUFRO ... at its 2000 conference, seem to have retained their validity: - ecology: an ecosystem characterized by a more or less dense and extensive tree cover. - ecology: a plant community predominantly of trees and other woody vegetation, growing more or less closely together. - silviculture management: an area managed for the production of timber and other forest produce, or maintained under woody vegetation for such indirect benefits as protection of (water) catchment areas or recreation. - law: an area of land proclaimed to be forest under a forest act or ordinance. (EU IATE terminology database, WWW20181022

Forest is defined as land with tree crown cover (meaning all parts of the tree above ground level including its leaves, branches and so on), or equivalent stocking level, of more than 10 % and with an area of more than 0.5 hectares (ha). The trees should be able to reach a minimum height of five metres at maturity in situ. (Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics pocketbook 2013 edition; freely available on Eurostat’s website at: WWW2018093

Part of speech

Noun (male)

Base form



forest, forests

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Usage Note


Zur Definitionsproblematik s. What Do These Terms Mean? Forest Forestry Forester; John A. Helms, 2002 www20190318,%20Forestry,%20Forester.pdf

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Change Notes

Initial version
ast on 2007-02-11
Last change
Barbara Fock on 2020-07-31