mutated microorganisms release Label
DefGEMET: The release of mutated micro-organisms creates the risk that they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria (possibly having other positive functions which thus are lost) or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria. There is also concern that an uncontrolled genetic mutation could produce from such an engineered microorganism, a form with hazardous consequences for the environment. (Source: WPR)
Part of speech
Plural formBase form
mutated microorganisms releaseInflectionals
mutated microorganisms release, mutated micro-organisms release, mutated micro organisms releasePreferred Label of
Alternative Label of
BK-Label of
Compound from
Compound in
Usage Notes
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Change Notes
Initial version
on 2007-02-11
Last change
Barbara Fock on 2020-01-09