genetic Label
Part of speech
AdjectiveBase form
genetic, genetical, geneticallyCompound from
Compound in
- Genetic Engineering Act
- Genetic Engineering Safety Ordinance
- International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
- Regulation on the good practice in the production of genetically modified crops
- access and benefit sharing from genetic resources
- conservation of genetic resources
- directive on intentional or unintentional dissemination of genetically manipulated organisms
- directive on the deliberate release of genetically modified organisms into the environment
- genetic ecology
- genetic engineering liability
- genetic pool
- genetic reservoir
- genetic substance
- genetic toxicology
- genetically harmful
- genetically modified
- plant genetic
- plant genetical
Usage Notes
Editorial notes
Text Analysis
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Change Notes
Initial version
foba on 1994-03-08
Last change
Joachim Fock on 2016-06-10