Ban on Commercial Whaling stays XL Label
enPreferred Label of
Alternative Label of
Ban on Commercial Whaling stays, ICRW, IWC, International Convention on the Regulation of Whaling , International Whaling Commission , commercial whaling, moratoriumSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
Kommerzieller Walfang bleibt verboten, Whaling nations block South Atlantic sanctuary plans, Keine Mehrheit für Walschutzgebiet in Südatlantik bei IWC, Greenland gets green light to hunt humpback whales, Germany is restarting exploration of potential nuclear storage site at Gorleben, 65. Tagung der Internationalen Walfangkommission in Slowenien, German nuclear power plants to undergo safety review, CITES approves one-off sale off ivory to be followed by moratorium, Moratorium on nuclear power ends, European Parliament rejected calls to ban deepwater drilling in Europe's waters, No fin whales to be hunted in Iceland 2016, E.ON suspends operation of its oldest nuclear power station Isar-1