Waste Oil Ordinance XL Label
enPreferred Label of
Alternative Label of
Waste Oil Ordinance, Waste Oil Ordinance, waste, waste oilsSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
Export of German toxic waste, Greenpeace action against atomic waste dumping at sea., End of toxic waste incineration on the high seas, Greenpeace action against tranport of atomic waste, Greenpeace action against atomic waste in the Kara sea, Export of German toxic waste, Greenpeace action against Russian dumping of atomic waste at sea, First regulation on orderly waste disposal, First waste incineration plant., MEPs vote for tougher rules on reducing single-use plastic bags, European Commission fights back against illegal waste shipments, Waste Framework Directive, EU: Waste Statistics: Half a ton of municipal waste generated per person in the EU27 in 2007, European Week for Waste Reduction, Revision of the Waste Framework Directive