

Alternative Label of



UBA moves into new zero-energy building in Berlin, Federal Government's first zero-energy building, Haus 2019, UBA, energy consumption, energy efficiency, renewable energy, zero-energy house

Same spelling in use by the following Labels:

The first solar airplane to circumnavigate the world, Commission proposes a single 'A to G' energy label, World’s largest solar powered bridge in London, German Federal Parliament adopts changes for solar feed-in tariffs, Founding of the Renewables Club, Klimawandel: Durchschnittstemperaturen steigen, mehr heiße Tage, Climate change: Average temperatures on the rise, more hot days, Commission authorises Portuguese demonstration scheme for ocean energy technologies, UBA veröffentlicht Bericht zu vermiedenen Emissionen durch den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien im Jahr 2007, UBA publishes report on emissions saved through use of renewable energies in 2007, France Passes New Energy Law, EU-Kommission würdigt UBA für vorbildliches Umweltmanagement, European Commission rewards UBA for outstanding evironmental management, National renewable energy action plan agreed, UBA-Studie: Deutschland kann 43 Prozent seiner Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2020 einsparen, 2030 climate and energy policy framework, UBA bezieht erstes Null-Energie-Haus des Bundes, Studie zeigt Handlungsbedarf für umweltgerechtes Recycling auf, Study shows need for action to promote ecological recycling, Globale Investitionen in erneuerbare Energien steigen auf Rekordhoch von 286 Milliarden US-Dollar, World's first large-scale tidal energy farm launches in Scotland, Unveiling of the World's Largest Solar Boat, New EWG study: International Energy Agency holds back global energy transition, Umweltbundesamt: „Haus 2019“ in Berlin erhält Auszeichnung für nachhaltiges Bauen, New record: renewables make up 78% of power consumption, MEPs want binding 2030 goals for CO2 emissions, renewables and energy efficiency, 1 in 5 home appliances tested by NGOs using more energy than advertised, EU to phase out energy-guzzling light bulbs, Renewable Energy Day, Renewable energy experiencing double-digit growth worldwide, Umweltschädliche Subventionen in Deutschland, Chemikalien leasen – Umwelt entlasten UBA stellt Konzept für „Nachhaltige Chemie“ vor, Chemical leasing unburdens environment UBA presents “sustainable chemicals” concept, UBA-Präsident Troge legt Amt nieder, UBA President Troge resigns, Record: Wind farms and solar plants produce more power than conventional power plants, 100% renewable electricity in Portugal for 107 hours, New financial instruments for environment, energy efficiency and climate action projects, Dogger Bank Creyke Beck granted consent, ZERO Race - Around the World in 80 days with Zero Emission Vehicles!, New energy efficiency requirements for computers, UBA emissions data for 2015 published, Solar Impulse - Across America, Masdar City Abu Dabi, Dawn of a global new energy era - con­tinuing trend toward re­new­able energy sources, Kartendienst zur Luftqualität, World's first eHighway opens in Sweden, El Hierro: Inauguration of the hydro-wind power plant, EIB to reinforce support for renewable and energy efficiency investment across Europe, Greenpeace Studie: Erneuerbare legen deutlich zu, UBA präsentiert neues Biozid-Internetportal, New performance standards for vacuum cleaners become effective, Desertec Foundation leaving the Dii, 2030 climate and energy goals for a competitive, secure and low-carbon EU economy, International Agency IRENA to be set up in January 2009, UBA-Gebäude in Dessau bekommt Gütesiegel Nachhaltiges Bauen, Federal Environment Agency receives DGNB Seal of Approval for Sustainable Building, Gewässertyp des Jahres 2017 , Deutschland: Klimabilanz 2016, EU Parliament votes in simpler energy efficiency labels , Umweltbundesamt gibt neue Daten zu den Stickoxidwerten in Deutschland für das Jahr 2016 heraus, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs published initial results of a consumer survey conducted in preparation of the review of the EU Energy Labelling Regulation on washing machines, Modellrechnungen des UBA ergeben: Software-Updates bei Diesel-Pkws reichen für saubere Luft nicht aus, Umweltbundesamt veröffentlicht Karten zur Nitratbelastung der Fließgewässer in Deutschland (Nitratberichte 2008, 2012 und 2016 und EU-Nitratrichtlinie (91/676/EWG))