

Preferred Label of

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Carbon Mapping Breakthrough, Peru, carbon emissions, deforestation, forest degradation, tropical forest

Same spelling in use by the following Labels:

The EU’s complicity in illegal tropical deforestation, Staatengruppe V20 gegründet, Vulnerable Twenty Group Founded, Peru declares oil contamination emergency in Amazon region, Twentieth UN Climate Conference (COP 20 | CMP 10), Conserving continuous forests is important for mitigation of climate change, Banco Santander stops financing forest destruction, Peru verhängt Umweltnotstand im Amazonasgebiet, Zwanzigste UN-Klimakonferenz (COP 20 | CMP 10), Greenpeace: Aktion an den Nazca Linien in Peru, Greenpeace: Nazca lines action, Study shows rapid deforestation in Malaysia, Peruanischer Kleinbauer klagt gegen RWE wegen Gefahren durch Gletscherschmelze, Peruvian farmer sues German utility RWE over dangers related to glacial melting, Brazil President vetoes parts of forest law, European Parliament keeps carbon prices low, 20 neue UNESCO-Biosphärenreservate anerkannt, 20 sites added to UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserve, Schmelzende Gletscher: Peruaner fordert von RWE Geld für Schutzmaßnahmen ein, Melting glaciers: Peruvian requests German utility RWE to pay for protective measures, Greenpeace repor "Slaughtering the Amazon", REDD+ Partnership, CO2 emissions fall in 2011 despite strong economy, Bedrohter See des Jahres 2012: Titicaca See in Peru und Bolivien, Threatened Lake of the Year 2012: Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia, Kenya Launches Multimillion Dollar Appeal to Restore Vital Mau Forest, Brazil's Parliament approves controversial forest law, New Yorker Klimagipfel startet neue Initiativen zum Schutz der Wälder, New York Climate Summit launches new initiatives to protect forests, Klimaklage gegen RWE vom Landgericht Essen angenommen, Peru ruft Notstand wegen Quecksilber-Verschmutzung aus, Mercury contamination in remote part of Peru, Kohlenstoffkarte für den Amazonas, WWF report identifies regions at risk for catastrophic deforestation by 2030, WWF: 2011 Forest Living Report Chapter 1, Filmstart: Das Geheimnis der Bäume, Deforestation reaches record high in Brazil , Klimaklage gegen RWE: Peruanischer Bergführer geht in Berufung, Klimaklage gegen RWE: Oberlandgericht Hamm verhandelt Berufung, Climate suit against German utility RWE: Higher District Court will hear appeal