Antarctic deep sea gets colder XL Label
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Antarctic deep sea gets colder, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Antarctic , Antarctic deep sea , International Polar Year, Polarstern, colder , deep sea, expeditionSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
Treibhausgase im Südpolarmeer: Erstmals aktive Methanaustritte am antarktischen Meeresboden entdeckt, Wärmebild-Kamerasystem hilft Forschern, Großwale rund um die Uhr vor Lärm zu schützen, Huge iceberg breaks away from the Pine Island glacier in the Antarctic, 30 years of Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Commission calls for ban of destructive deep-sea fishing in the Northeast Atlantic, RV Polarstern returns home after its expedition through the Northeast and Northwest Passages, International Polar Year 2007/2008, Tiefsee der Antarktis wird kälter, Sechster Internationaler Polartag - Über den Polen, Alfred-Wegener-Institut feiert 30. Geburtstag von FS Polarstern, Alfred Wegener Institute celebrates the 30th birthday of RV Polarstern, Marine species of the month in the International Year of Biodiversity, Japan whaling season ends early, Iceberg collides with the ice shelf edge near Neumayer Station III, First International Polar Day Sea Ice, Third International Polar Day Changing Earth, Fourth International polar Day Land and Life, Fith International Polar Day - People, 90-day trip around Antarctica