Philippsburg nuclear power station is to be shut down by its operator XL Label
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Philippsburg nuclear power station is to be shut down by its operator, Karlsruhe, Philippsburg II, nuclear power station, operator, shut downSame spelling in use by the following Labels:
Accident at Grohnde nuclear power station, Störfall in der Wiederaufarbeitungsanlage Karlsruhe, Accident at Karlsruhe nuclear reprocessing plant, Japanese court orders shutdown of two nuclear reactors, ADFC kürt fahrradfreundliche Städte, Asse nuclear storage facility is to get a new operator, The Queen has opened the world's first commercial nuclear power station, RWE, Vattenfall must shut down Biblis A and Brunsbuettel, Atomkraftwerk Philippsburg II ist vom Betreiber abgeschaltet worden, Shut down of the Grafenrheinfeld nuclear reactor, A loss-of-coolant accident Krsko, Bundesverfassungsgericht verhandelt über den 2011 beschleunigten Atomausstieg in Deutschland, E.ON suspends operation of its oldest nuclear power station Isar-1, GKN I and KKP 1 nuclear power plants go offline, BfS is the new operator of the Asse II mine, Regionalbericht „Landwirtschaft & Ernährung Karlsruhe“ warnt vor Nitratbelastung im Grundwasser und Artensterben auf dem Land